Med-Surg Certification


Specializes in Nursing Education.

How many nurses have certification in Med-Surg? I am considering my options for certification and wanted to know if most of the nurses are certified by the ANCC or others have taken the exam through the American Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses?

I have read much of the literature on certification through AAMSN and think this is the route I am going to take. Any comments from others out there about their certification experience? Also, where can I locate some decent study material for the exam and how difficult is the exam to take?

Thanks for your help. Patrick

Specializes in Med-Surg, Long Term Care.

I've been Med-Surg certified through ANCC since 2000. I studied by using old NCLEX-RN material and two books I bought: One was "Pathophysiology Made Incredibly Easy" published by Springhouse and "Medical-Surgical Nursing" 2nd Edition, a book of tests. The test book helped me to discover what areas I needed the most review on (Endocrinology, ABG interpretation, etc.) I also went back to my nursing textbooks for certain areas I wasn't so sure of.

This is embarrassing to say, but I thought the exam was scheduled a week later than I thought it was. I was talking to a co-worker who was also taking the exam, and she asked when I was working that week. When I said "Friday" (3-11) she replied, "Whoa! You're brave! Working the night before the exam." Well, I was floored. :eek: I ended up calling out "sick" for that shift since I needed to be up by 5 a.m. to travel to the test-site. In the few days I had before the exam, I crammed like I'd never crammed before. I didn't want to be humiliated if I failed the exam, PLUS, my hospital was paying for the exam ONLY if I passed.

Well, I did fine, and I ended up knowing more than I realized, but I'm not planning on being re-certified in 2005. I didn't keep up with all the CEU's required because I'm too cheap. If the spirit moves me, I may sit for the exam once again, or try for the AAMSN certification which I know nothing about and would appreciate knowing more.

...for the Masters'-prepared level back in 1998. I used a series of tapes through Health Leadership Associates for the M/S generalist exam and passed. I still use those tapes occasionally to review content prior to lecture if I need it....they were about $175 back then and worth every penny. However, I did not work in M/S only so I was not able to renew my certification due to not keeping up with the work hours required. I think those requirements need reviewed and revised. I decided if I ever needed the certification, I would just take the exam again...even though it is not cheap. I don't see where the certification helped me any in my career other than to make me proud that I passed it. I felt it was more difficult than NCLEX and when I finished it, I just knew I had failed. They gave me a specific score as well and was I ever surprised.

I have not heard about the certifiying agency that you spoke of, but I will look into it. Good luck!


I just reviewed their website and am unclear why this organization has offered another avenue for certification in M/S? The cost is $325 for nonmembers which sounds outrageous for someone in academia especially...I did email them Patrick and I will let you know what I find out.

Thank you for posting this interesting thread,


Specializes in Nursing Education.

Barb - thanks for the feedback. I am trying to get certified more for my own personal satiisfaction and also to have my knowledge and experience validated through certification. My employer pays a differential for certified nurses, so I thought I would give it a try. Just nervous about getting enough study information and guides so I can target the areas that I need to brush up. The MS certification exam is so diverse, it really covers every areas of nursing.

In my work experience, we see all types of diagnosis and post-operative patients with differing types of complications. I am sure I already have the knowledge, but just want to brush up on other areas as well.

Thanks for the help. Patrick

Specializes in Med-Surg.

There's a very good book I bought through that helped me tremendously with the med-surg exam. I'll try to find a link. I've got my certification through ANCC. I thought the test was hard, but no harder than taking state boards. I took and passed the test twice because the first I let my first certification expire. The second time I noticed there were many more questions about pain.

Good luck.

Here's the link to the book I used. (If you decide to buy, please of course by from the amazon link on the homepage, so this site gets credit you linking to amazon :))

Specializes in Nursing Education.

Tweety - thanks for the info and when you find the link for the book, please post.

Specializes in Med-Surg.
Tweety - thanks for the info and when you find the link for the book, please post.

You're welcome. As you were typing yours I was getting the link. See above. :)

Specializes in Med/Surg, Geriatrics.

I was certified in 2002 by ANCC. I used the same book(Springhouse Review) that Tweety did so I can highly recommend it.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Long Term Care.
I am trying to get certified more for my own personal satiisfaction and also to have my knowledge and experience validated through certification. My employer pays a differential for certified nurses, so I thought I would give it a try.

This is the only reason why I took the exam because we don't get paid any more if we're certified. :o

Specializes in Nursing Education.

RN-PA - do you think that trend is changing in hospitals, as far as paying a differential if you are certified? At my last job, if you were certified, they paid an extra $3.00 per hour, but of course, there were added duties and responsibiulities. But it was a motivator for many nurses and a good majority of them on my floor were certified.

Tweety - thanks for the link. I am going to purchase this book in order to get ready for certification. Appreicate the help.

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