MDS workload

Specialties MDS


Specializes in LTC, Psych, Med/Surg.

Hi all-

Does anyone know what the recommended ratio of mds coordinators to medicare/rehab beds is? My facility is short at least one coordinator & is having trouble getting another one.

That aside, I am swamped with assessments, RAPs, careplans, etc just for my area of the SNF. :Crash:

What is a reasonable number of rehab residents to mds coordinators?



Specializes in nursery, L and D.

Hi, don't know if this will help but about 5 years ago, my job as a medicare MDS nurse was combined with the medicaid mds nurse, so ie, I had to change postions, and the medicaid mds nurse is now doing both, (118 bed facility) she is a friend of mine, althought I haven't spoken to her in a while the last time (maybe a year ago) she was still doing all 118 pts by herself, maybe 25 medicare and rest medicaid. This is in NC.

We have two MDS nurses et an assessment cordinator who also puts them into computer et does the state submissions. We are a 150 bed facility with 26 bed skilled unit. Hope this helps.


Specializes in LTC, Psych, Med/Surg.

Thanks for the replies. I am still swamped & hope it gets better. One thing I do know is that the only constant is change and my SNF has hired another MDS person who I hope will be helpful.

Catmom :paw:

Specializes in MDS,ltc, resident focused care plans.

I am the only MDS coordinator in a 146 bed building with average of 27 - 30 Med A residents. I have a computerized system (ECS) so getting the information is easy, however, I am questioning the accuracy of the cna documentation. I am in line to get an additional 20 hours of help so I can devote more time to the Med A and get hopefully better reimbursement.

Previously, I was the only coordinator for 96 beds, all paper process with multiple issues with printers as the paper had to be changed for every different form used, a real time waster.

Hope this helps you. :nuke:

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