Published Jan 23, 2012
2 Posts
Getting ready for my first QIS survey. Any coordinators out there who have been through an annual QIS survey? How did it go? Any tips?
49 Posts
I too am going to experience my first QIS survey....... we are in window now fact riding close to the 15 month deadline.....
340 Posts
We are in our window as well. I am dreading it. Every year, Nursing tries to blame survey problems on the MDS only knows what will happen this year.... :uhoh21:
CapeCodMermaid, RN
6,092 Posts
Isn't the MDS department made up of nurses?
The Nursing Dept in previous years, has attempted to blame the MDS Dept for "miscoding" continence/incontinence status since the Toileting Assessments done by Nursing did not match up to the actual Bowel/Bladder Grids for the specific reference period.
The Nursing Dept does not like the MDS Dept to code "8/8" for Bathing or a "9" for BM's. We notify the DON when this happens but if there is no supporting documentation within the reference period, we will not falsify coding....that's why the Nursing Managers are supposed to pull their required reports....
617 Posts
Answer their questions honestly, but be careful what how and what you say. The surveryors WILL print everything you say in the citation and they aren't always the most accurate in what you say. Also, if they cannot find enough nursing tags, they WILL HUNT for tags in the MDS. This is because it doesn't matter how good we are, or how hard we try, it is possible to find SOMETHING wrong with a careplan or MDS and they will find it if at all possible.
Most nursing homes would rather have a "paper"tag (MDS) than a "standard if care" tag. That is one reason they will try to pass off something onto the MDS. I understand this, but still HATE to have it done to me.
Be as quick as possible getting info to the surveryors. They understand some delay is unavoidable, but if it takes you an hour to find a care plan, they may think you are just now writing it. LOL
They can be debated with and can be talked out of tags if your information is accurate and timely. Don't be afraid to discuss this with them.
REMEMBER. the surveyors are human, too. they have to pee, are tired, hungry and mis their family. treat them with respect, offer them lots of coffee and cookies, ask about ther day, that pretty dress, and wow, I like your necklace, etc. Offer suggestions where to get a good meal or a good hotel to stay at. BE YOURSELF.
Best wishes!!!!!