MDC TEAS scores for 2011


Hello this is my first time making a thread so here goes. I just really want to know what everyone is getting on their TEAS test and what the GPA is so I know where I stand and everyone else can know also. My Teas I got a 75 and I have a 3.8 GPA. Does anyone have any ideas of the scores out there?? Any other info is welcomed!! :nurse: wanna be :)

Hi my name is pamelasue, Psoup is what they call me, I am 44, first time I took the teas, I made a 73.5, yesterday I retook the exam I made a 85.3, it says the national average is 72.8, anyway. Apparently 85.3% ranks 91% nationally

teas 4 or teas 5? I got 81.2 on teas 4.

Most schools will look at your cumulative TEAS and how well you did on the reading portion plus your GPA. I got in with an 84 on my TEAS with a 92 on the reading portion with a GPA of 3.6. That's at my school though....VERY competitive. All schools differ. Good luck :) Just don't give up!!

I took vs 5 in Dec, got a 74. I picked up the official TEAS v 5 study guide, went through it, read and worked out all the problems, took the practice tests in the book and the two online provided with the book and improved my score to 88. It made such a big difference! I have talked with a few others who have had similar experiences to mine. If you need a competitive score to get into school, I think it's worth the cost and study time. Good luck!

version 4, not bad for a 44 year old female out of school for many years, plus I took a free math class at the local adult learning center for 10 weeks, I studied alot

Specializes in LTC.

TEAS score 98..GPA 3.9..the first time I took the TEAS I scored a 94, I took 2 years off school to have my daughter and had to retake it.

TEAS score 98..GPA 3.9..the first time I took the TEAS I scored a 94, I took 2 years off school to have my daughter and had to retake it.


are you a genius or what! great score!:idea:

Specializes in Emergency.

Depends on the school. My school ONLY looked at the TEAS (and of course wants all the prereqs done but the GPAs were NOT looked at). However our class average for the TEAS was 90.

Hi! Just curious..are the post on this page in reference to Miami Dade College?

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