MCG Clinical Nurse Leader - Fall 2010

U.S.A. Georgia


I have applied to MCG's MSN-CNL Program to start in Fall 2010, and I am wondering if current/past students could tell me when (as in what month) they received a phone call for an interview or acceptance/rejection letters.

Additionally, I applied to the Athens Campus program, so will the interview be held in Athens, or will I need to drive to Augusta? Thanks for helping me plan ahead :) I really hope I am the type of candidate they are looking for!

-- CB

Mine still says ready for review, I am also going to stop checking.. its driving me CRAZY.. life is on hold right now and I think that I just need to get my mind off of it... hopefully soon though! :)

Well, I am going to keep checking, I'll let you guys know if I see something :)

Has anyone had an interview on the Augusta campus for fall 2010? My status also says "Ready for Review" :uhoh3:

I had my interview Feb 16 for the Augusta Campus. My status still says READY FOR REVIEW.. ahh I hate those three words :)

According to O.M. they have made all decisions for Athens Campus (they're taking 29) and have sent this information to admissions for processing. I talked with admissions to find out when we will receive official notification of acceptance and they said they are still interviewing... Must be for the Augusta and/or other satellite campuses (since Athens has already been decided), or she didn't want to give out too much info.

Thats good to know. Well tomorrow is April, so no matter what happen we should all know this month! When I talked to O.M she also didnt want to give out too much information, she said she sent out the final list to admissions early last week so it should be anytime now! :coollook:

Does anyone know if we should be expecting to hear this week or next since the list was sent last week? Or is it still mid-April?

Admissions is in no hurry to send letters. It will probably be a few more weeks.

O.M. just called to let me know that I was accepted into the CNL program at Athens! She said that the official paperwork from admissions won't come for about a month. I'm glad not to have to wait that long to find out! Hopefully everyone hears something soon!

I got my call yesterday, too! Of course, mine is a provisional acceptance since I am still taking A&P II and Human Development, but I am still excited!

Congratulations to both of you for being accepted. I am applying for the program that starts next year. I still need to take the GRE....thanks bdanders for telling me what the interview was like!

I got accepted to the CNL program in Augusta! Yay!

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