Published Aug 9, 2008
140 Posts
I am from Iowa and I have looked through the IA BON website and couldn't find any information. How many hours can a nurse work in a row legally? Also how about in an emergency? We were talking about it at work and no one really was sure if it was 20hrs or what it was. Does anyone have any idea??
elizabeth8503RN, MSN, EMT-B, NP
145 Posts
I was told that it was a double or 16 hours, and at no point in time could we ever work 24 hours in a row. I was also told that a max in a week was 60/week. I could be wrong............If I am sorry.
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
In my state of residence, the maximum is 16 hours in a row.
846 Posts
In my state NY, you can legally be scheduled to work no more than a 16 hours shift per day.
However three weekends ago I was on call, I work 30 hours over the weekend, with 20 hours of non stop work. Nothing I could do about it.
The hospital gets away with it by saying "you were not scheduled to work that 20 hours, you just got un-lucky and had a busy OR schedule that weekend - you could have clocked out for an hour and grabbed a nap while waiting for the next case" Yeah, right, bite me!
Sucks sometimes - and not at all safe.
BrnEyedGirl, BSN, MSN, RN, APRN
1,236 Posts
We can't be on the clock more than 16hrs straight. Unless it is a disaster situation. We also must be off the clock a min of 8hrs before returning for another shift.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,811 Posts
That's how it is where I work. I'm not sure if that's law or hospital policy.