Published Apr 20, 2015
34 Posts
I'm nervously waiting for a letter from the school to hear if I got in or not! Anyone else out there waiting like me?
I don't have A&P I & II done so I'm not looking good I guess but I have an A.S already, taking Micro right now, all other classes done except human growth and development ugh its gonna suck if I don't get it, I have all A's 3.9 GPA.
I have two boys I wanted to get done nursing school so I could provide for them, I'm 30, I wanted to have another baby after nursing school, if I don't get in than I feel like everything is delayed ya know? I'm not gonna be young forever.
southshore2014, APRN
100 Posts
Feels like the longest wait ever. I received and accepted admission to BCC's program and am excited to start in there in the fall. I was hoping to hear from Massasoit earlier just to have an idea of where I stood in their ranking. I suppose it doesn't really affect me anymore, but I'm still rather curious.
so for BCC did you already have all your science classes done like an anatomy and physiology? I have a friend that goes there and she really likes it
I finished A&PI this past fall, and am taking A&PII this semester, but of course, it doesn't count towards the application. I haven't taken micro yet either. I was hoping to make up for the points with the other parts from the rubric.
emergenceRN17, ASN, BSN, RN
832 Posts
They grade you via a rubric. Without having A&P I, II, Human Growth, and Micro... your odds aren't too good. (I'm not saying that to be mean.. just being honest) You are graded on what you have completed and what grade you received in that class. Most people that apply have all sciences complete and some have everything non nursing complete. They do, however, keep an 11 person wait list. Wishing you the best! If you don't get in this time.... try try again! =)
Check your major in degreeworks - I believe they've changed them to nursing for those who were accepted.
Log into mymassasoit. Click on the student tab (on the top) and then go to the right and click on current program. This is what it should look like..... (Except yours would say day obv..)
6 Posts
I just got letter today and I am on waiting list !
Make an appointment!!!!!!
I was denied :)
Im still waiting to hear from Brockton School of nursing, they have 30 seats left. I just am unsure about the diploma in nursing and how well those credits in nursing will transfer to an online RN to BSN program (like umass) or even Baker online college. They do give an Associate in Science from Fisher college which is an expensive private college... ekkk!
I'm so sorry to hear that. BHSN is good too. We have some of their instructors teaching us. It's just expensive and diploma. You'd have to get you associates at Fisher if you wanted to go to UMass after. I wish you the best 😄
5 Posts
Hi ArmyMedic1219, I just got my acceptance letter from MCC into the nursing day program. I'm pretty sure I'll be going come September. I had all of my classes completed with a 4.0 plus I have a bachelor's degree in engineering. I'm not sure if that helps you or not but I hope to see you there!