Maricopa Waiting List / Placement / Timestamps 2010+

U.S.A. Arizona


Hey everyone, I wanted to start a place for people to post and repost about waitlist times, placement runs, and their timestamps.

It is very hard searching for all the information and maybe people will access this thread and keep it updated with information so we all can get some idea on where we stand in line for Maricopa Nursing Placement.

As for me I have a

6/11/10 8:01:32 Timestamp. The placement just ran on March 6th,2012 and I was not placed. On the application website it says that the placement did NOT reach the June timestamps. This will mark 5 semesters that I was not placed (was expecting a 3 semester wait)

I am curious how far the placement ran. If people that were placed during the last placement run (3/6/12) come across this thread and would be willing to post their timestamp and what school choice number (1 through 5) they were placed in that would give an indicator how far away it is.

With almost 2500 people still on the waiting list it looks like it can be a 4-5 year wait for people just now getting on it. :(

Look forward to chatting with all of you and good luck.

6/6/2014 8:00:53 was my time stamp. I was selected last semester and deferred it for a semester.

Could you just choose a evening program that is highly sought after to reduce your likelihood of using your deferment? Maybe do that next time. :)

Could you just choose a evening program that is highly sought after to reduce your likelihood of using your deferment? Maybe do that next time. :)

I tried doing that by only selecting a single option, and got selected for spring 2016. I will need to drop out of the program and re-apply as my one deferment was used last semester.

I tried doing that by only selecting a single option, and got selected for spring 2016. I will need to drop out of the program and re-apply as my one deferment was used last semester.

You were placed at CGCC right?? When you used your deferral?

Thats a bummer.. Too bad they dont offer two deferrals. Oh well.. its a short wait, and CEP apps are accepted in Dec/Jan. You will get in quickly..

Good Luck

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.

How many pairs of uniforms should we have do you think?

Do we wear them to lecture also or just for labs and clinicals?

Does anyone know when we get the packet for supplies etc and all that is needed for school?

Does anyone know when we get the packet for supplies etc and all that is needed for school?

I think that is given at orientation.

How many pairs of uniforms should we have do you think?

Do we wear them to lecture also or just for labs and clinicals?

I have been told 2 pairs. You typically have 1 clinical/week for Blocks 1-3, but 4 you will have more.

At CGCC you only wore them to lab and clinical.

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.
Does anyone know when we get the packet for supplies etc and all that is needed for school?

I believe at orientation but you may be able to search here and find some basics people have posted before about needing for the blocks.

Also I would suggest everyone not make any unchangeable vacation plans until you know when your orientation is. It is a mandatory orientation so you HAVE to attend in order to start nursing blocks. Estrella orientation is December 8th at 1pm.

GCC orientation is Dec 17th.

Where did you find the info for orientation? I am going to GCC also.

Where did you find the info for orientation? I am going to GCC also.

I emailed one of the nursing secritarys today and asked. What GCC cohort are you in?

I am at GCC traditional.

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