Published Jul 23, 2005
1 Post
I've been in nursing for 7-8 years. But over and over I keep running into these ******** who call themselves managers but manage to make me feel like dumping a career that I love. I just want to know if other people share my feelings? During these years I have been confronted repeatedly by managers who represent patients or their families and ask me to confirm accusations that are outright lies. Total misinterpretations, lies, and shocking stories that I could not have dreamed up if I had tried for days. For the last year I have tried travel nursing as a way to work and avoid these managers by not staying in one place too long. But they are everywhere. Always eager to represent the patient or family with whatever accusation while talking to me like I am dirt and no matter what I say it couldn't be true especially if the patient or family or now I am even finding that I have fellow nurses representing the institution I travel too who are willing to say things that could not be furthur from the truth. Is anyone having this problem? Mostly I work medsurg. The stress is tremendous. The families are always or if they choose they are present and on top of both management is so eager to make customer satisfaction a priority that the nurse is dirt under everyones feet. I love nursing but this is so overwhelming. Am I alone?
live4today, RN
5,099 Posts
:balloons: Hi yellowbird! Welcome to Allnurses! :)
And shall I add.........welcome to inhospital bedside nursing as we know it to be today in many hospitals here in America and everywhere internationally. You are NOT alone...sad to say.
The cure would be so easy, yet the drama continues all around the world. Greed "aint going nowhere", and it is greed that keeps hospitals in the mess they are in, and it is hospital greed that causes nurses to runnnnnnnn or want to run and not look back. :stone
I've really only had two nurse managers from hell. Most of the ones I've had were really nice and caring. Perhaps you should just keep searching until you find one that works for you. Or, leave hospital nursing for a time, and do something else as a nurse. :)
6,011 Posts
I have had 2 NM who sprouted dragon wings often. BUT both of them would stand up for their staff and stand strong.
Any conflict patient/nurse was managed by guest services with the NM sitting in. It most often turned out to be a misunderstanding and tension that flared a small thing to a bonfire.
In travelling are you that bound to the unit and its manager? You can tell I have never travelled :)
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,743 Posts
My manager has been very good to me over the years. I've worked for here for seven years, traveled about the hospital and came back last year. So I'm lucky. She's not great and she's inconsistent and doesn't have the best communication skills.
Being a manager is a rotten job, you get it from employees and highers ups and get yelled at all the time by patients, families, staff, directors, etc. I guess it doesn't attrack the best and the brightest people. I know I could never do it.
Good luck to you. :)
P_RN, when you travel you are assigned to a unit, or a float team, but yes, you are bound to a manager and his/her unit, as you are a member of that staff, although temp.
PeachyOrthoRN, RN
378 Posts
Greetings and welcome to allnurses. Unfortunately there are those types of managers all around. Gratefully I have a manager that isn't like that. She sticks up for the nurses when patient accusations are unsubstaintiated?, but she can be tough with her employees when she needs to be.