Male psych nurses


My coworker is a big guy. He's about 6 feet tall and 210 pounds. He is thinking about trying psych nursing. Neither he or I know anything about psych nursing.

1. How do psych patients react to male nurses compared to female nurses?

2. Will his big size be an advantage? Or will patients feel threatened by his size?

Specializes in critical care; community health; psych.

The worst thing we fear as nurses is aggression against staff. Size is definitely an advantage. I see little difference between male and female nurses when it comes to comfort levels of the patients. There are going to be problems with those who have been abused by men. But there are also problems with men who have been abused by women (usually their moms). It's a toss up.

Size isn't always an advantage. It's not a disadvantage, either. Sometimes, an out of control patient could see size as a threat and become more out of control. It's a very individual thing. The trick is to do your best to develop a good rapport with a patient before they get out of hand, and make sure the docs are medicating properly.

I know a lot of patients, especially male ones, appreciate having a guy on the unit, whether a nurse or tech to discuss issues with that they aren't comfortable talking to women about. And for some reason, my little old ladies with severe anxiety love my biggest guys. I think they feel safer or more secure.

Not all psych units are highly violent all the time, either. Our hospital has been using a new system, and the violence has dropped dramatically, and the staff hasn't been fully trained.

If your buddy has an interest in psych, then he should go for it. There is a wide variety of it out there, and he just might find the perfect niche.

Specializes in telemetry, med-surg, home health, psych.

I see no difference in pt. reaction between male and female nurses...I see no difference in whatever their size,,,but I do see one thing:

Us female nurses sure do like having a male nurse on the unit !!!;)

It is a great advantage to also have a male working to help with any crisis.

Intimidation is for real.....PRN.......:D

Specializes in Mental health.

There are many area's he can work in as a psych nurse. If he ends up on an acute admitting ward then size has its pro's and cons however the pro's outweigh cons any day.

Regardless of his size he should go nursing, its a great job with so exciting stories to tell.

Hi Katnip,

Could you say a little more on the 'new system' that is reducing violence on the unit?

Not all psych units are highly violent all the time, either. Our hospital has been using a new system, and the violence has dropped dramatically, and the staff hasn't been fully trained.



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