Male modesty double standard

Nurses Relations


While working in the trauma room in a large US city I witnessed this scenario of the double standard of modesty for male patients many times.The police would routinely walk in the trauma room and were allowed to stand around and watch as patients were put through the necessary but extremely embarrassing ordeal required in trauma resucitation. If the patient was a female the curtains would be immediately closed and kept closed until the entire trauma procedure was complete. If the patient was a male the curtains were always left open and the police officers which often included female officers were allowed to watch as the patient was stripped naked, under went a digital rectal exam and catheterized. Allowing the police especially female police officers to watch this is blatant patient abuse. I think people should consider suing the hospitals as this double standard of modesty for male patients is an extreme violation of medical ethics and standards of decency that are supposed to apply to all patients. Police should not be allowed to enter the trauma room in the first place without permission or be allowed to " hang out " there while patients are being treated.

This is a most profound statement or is it? "Male Modesty Double Standard" or probably should be dubbed as Male Privacy and Modesty Denied and Modus of Operandi is the sexual objectification, discrimination and humiliation of male patients in hospitals. As someone that was associated with the medical profession I first thought that female medical staff which includes doctors, nurses, anesthesiologists, x-ray techs, sonographers among others were just oblivious in their regard to male patients modesty and how wrong I was.

After several years of personal observance and surveys on female friends that are medical personnel who share the same views and experienced such incidents on a regular basis at various hospitals.

On the few occasions they choose to intervene and confronted such medical personnel guilty of sexual misconducts/ breaches of patient privacy and modesty by saying why they can’t place a screen around the patient while several female staff gathered around and stared at theses patient(male) genitals some which not medical personnel but worked at these hospitals, or why stripped the patient(male) for such a procedure when you would not have done that to female patient!; or how would you have felt if female medical personnel treated your father, brother and husband like that? Or why he has to removed his underwear to do a blood pressure check, EKG or a Sonogram test.

My friend that are nurses would make work schedule arrangements so they would be present for the procedure or hospitalization of their ill male family members from time to time. I myself almost had a humiliating experience earlier this year after suffering from a fall and if I was not associated with the profession and its patient privacy rules would have suffered a similar fate.

Based on my chronicling of the incidents, I can make it abundantly clear that this is a standard of practice throughout the medical industry in the United States of America within the last two decades.

Doctors are expert powers, which power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely that is why people like Twana Sparks (sexual predator md) feels she has absolute power to do anything and everything to her male patients with such egregious acts on several occasions in the presence of an all female OR team (all had her back),such a big ego and blatant disrespect of human beings. If this had been a male doctor that committed a similar act on a female patient he would have been sent to prison, his license taken away and bar from the profession forever.

In any industry if the rules are not reinforced there will always be abuse and breach so it is imperative that the respective medical boards do not sit on their laurels but put a stop to this sexual objectification of men and for all those nurses that see the abuse in the prep ops, operating, and recovery room and other areas report these culprits if you have any morals and stop hypocrisy remember you are product of a man also not just a woman.

Caregiver111 is one of the few people that still work in medical field with any morals and regards to common human decency. Good God! What is this profession is coming to? Where are the ethical standards for male patients? Is this a feminism supremacist’s movement taking over the hospitals in the United States? For those that criticize the author, are you saying if any male that is involved in accident is presumed to be criminal and should be treated as such been stripped naked in front of female police officers? While if you are a female that is involved in an accident you are considered a trauma victim and your personnel privacy protected must be preserved (protected by a screen and police must away from the area? What is killing this industry is the lack of empathy. Caregiver111, maybe these medical personnel should be working in the part penal system!

I had to come back to something that has been bothering me, questioning the validity of the Twana Sparks story...

If this story is true then this surgeon's behavior is obviously blatantly criminal and deeply unethical…. If this story is true it's my opinion that the surgeon should have her license revoked and face criminal charges.

What doesn't ring true quite to me about this story, is that she'd be surrounded by an entire team (except the CRNA in this case) who all erupt in laughter” at what must be considered by most, to be truly outrageous behavior.

When I think of all the nurses and physicians I work with every day, I can't imagine a single one who would regard behavior like this as hilarious. I just don't see it. The warped work culture and the large number of deviant personalities an incident like this requires to take place, is something I've never encountered. I do however acknowledge the fact that just because I find the scenario implausible, sadly doesn't make it impossible. I wasn't there, I can't be sure.

…The site/author wants us to think "these horrible female nurses just stood around while a female doctor humiliated a male patient," and I, for one, just don't buy it.

If there is any doubt on the Twana Sparks story, here is a link to it on the National Institutes of Health and The Silver City Sun-News:

It is truly frightening how this abuse has been dismissed on this thread. This is exactly why it occurred.

I thank whodaman and yangul for their honesty!

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