Making Room at America's Inn for All God's Children

Nurses Activism


Making Room at America's Inn for All God's Children -- Marian Wright Edelman

..."For Christians, another holy advent season is upon us. People of all faiths are reflecting on things done and left undone during the past year and making resolutions for change in the new one.

When, oh when will we individually and collectively as congregations, as communities, and as a nation resolve to stop saying to our children, "There's no room at the inn"? When will we, like Tim, start saying, "You can stay at my house"?

When will we say to poor, hungry and homeless children, "Wait! We'll make a place for you at America's table of plenty"?

How long until we say to children whose parents are working hard every day trying to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads, "We will help you escape poverty"? "We'll catch you in our safety net until your family is able to provide for you again"?

And when will we ensure that no child is without health coverage in our rich nation that lets our nine million children struggle without health coverage?"...

A friends father taught high school math on a Southern California reservation (without a casino).

She was one of his students and is now a nurse.

His humorous remark when the subject of immigration comes up, "If those Indians don't like it here; why don't they go back where they came from?"

Thanks, I am still so many years later sensitive about this, strange huh? I remember kids across the street yelling,"NAZI, GO HOME" to us, I ran in inside and asked my mother "what is a nazi and why do they want us to go home, isn't this our home?", she just cried.

Oh Lord, how terrible. I think it's perfectly understandable for you to be sensitive about things like that years after they happen.

Oh Lord, how terrible. I think it's perfectly understandable for you to be sensitive about things like that years after they happen.
Thanks Spacenurse and HeyJude, Hey, Jude, I actually wanted to tell you I loved the Beatles, my favorite song is Across the Universe, sorry off topic.:flowersfo
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