did i make the right decision?


Hope this doesn't get too long...just want some feed back.

I was 10 days over they decided to induce.....came in a 1.5 cm got pitosin at 7 a.m. at 4 p.m. was feeling hard contractions the pit. was at

18 only dialated to 3. At 7 p.m. asked for epi. stopped the pit. the

contractions totally stopped too. They started preping me for a cesarean

(they didn't tell me but i am a nurse and know the hospital policy)

At 7:30 M.D. came in and said I had not progressed and the

baby was not dropping.......so I should start thinking of having a cesarean.

I ended up having the cea. at about 10 that night.

My question is do you think I should have held out longer? I really

wanted a "natual birth", has anyone seen someone make less progress then

me and have a vag birth? Should I maybe not have been induced?

No one pressured me into doing anything......everything worked out fine.

No one told me why I never progressed something about a

narrow pelvic came up ......think I could have a v-back?

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

I think to evaluate this and give you advice is out of our scope as nurses on this board. If I were you, I would request my medical records be sent to and evaluated by a physician or midwife who is supportive of VBAC and see how that goes.

Good luck and congratulations on your baby.

I guess it does sound like I really want some medical answers when in reality I just wanted some assurence I didn't give in to easliy. In thinking of women in labor for 40 hours and I throw in the towel after 12. I kind of feel like a failure.:nuke:

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

Please understand, we were not there at your labor nor are privvy to your medical history, so anything we say really is not necessarily on-target or what you need to hear.

That is why I would urge you toward seeing a doctor or midwife who is supportive of VBAC. Get someone in your corner who can help you, and go from there.

I really do wish you the best.

I guess it does sound like I really want some medical answers when in reality I just wanted some assurence I didn't give in to easliy. In thinking of women in labor for 40 hours and I throw in the towel after 12. I kind of feel like a failure.:nuke:

You are not a failure and your baby is alive and well. Focus on that.

All deliveries are different - there is no way to see into the future. I had a mom yesterday who was very surprised and a bit disappointed that her 2nd labor was so very different than her 1st, which was only about 1 hour of labor. The 2nd labor took alot longer and she kept feeling as if she was doing something wrong. However, in the end when the baby got stuck (shoulder dystocia) and the delivery got very scary, she was just relieved that the baby was ok.

You did nothing wrong, really.

Best wishes on your baby.


What difference does it make??? Don't torture yourself by second guessing your decision. You did what you thought was best for you and your baby. Since everything turned out fine I wouldn't stress over your decision. Its over with and your baby and you are healthy. I would take Smilingblueyes advice and obtain a copy of your medical records in case you want to try a vbac next time. Good luck to you, and enjoy motherhood. Its a lot of work but worth every minute.:nuke: :pumpiron: :nuke:

Specializes in 66H.

i can relate to your feelings. if you want to explore this more i suggest you go to a different kind of message board. there are many out there where women talk about their births and its all about the emotions of it all. many women have the same feelings you have and you sound like you need support at this time about your birth experience. hey its ok to grieve over the idea of that perfect birth that we all want that you feel like you might of cheated yourself out of somehow. having a happy healthy baby does not make the emotions go away. it just helps ease the pain.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

ivillage.com has a support group for people who are unhappy with their birth experiences. You could try there!

try joining the ICAN email group. I bet you'd find support there.


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