Published Aug 11, 2005
108 Posts
Does anyone out there know, or have an opinion about the case of hospitals attaining "Magnet" status and then dumping their LPNs? :stone
222 Posts
Have u got more info for me, because I'm not sure what you're talking about? I'm not an idiot, I, but I've only been a nurse for 3 months and am just starting to learn about status's of hospitals and all the different issues that concern nurses and the medical industry...thanks to these BB's. Are they actually firing LPN's after they achieve this status?
jmgrn65, RN
1,344 Posts
I have not heard that happening, we have 2 hospitals in our area obtain magnet, and my hospital is gone thru the process and just waiting on whether or not we achieved or not. I haven't heard a thing of dumping our LPNs or any of the other hospitals.
116 Posts
My hospital is in the process of obtaining magnet status and they have already begun demoting LPN's to glorified CNA positions. The word is they're fixing to stop hiring associate degree RN's and hire only BSN RN's.
HappyNurse2005, RN
1,640 Posts
I work at a Magnet facility and we have some LPN's. My unit just hired a LPN, so its not like htey aren't hiring them.
10 Articles; 19,022 Posts
from the magnet website:
public comments solicited for magnet applicant facilities
the magnet recognition program accepts comments at any time. verbal comments may be made by by phone at 301-628-5223. for urgent issues, call
toll-free 1-866-588-3301.
web form for comments: staff nurse survey
ancc has pulled accreditation before. please send your concerns to them!
13 Posts
My hospital is in the process of filing for Magnet status, though it takes about 2 years from filing to complete accredidation. My understanding is less than 2% of US hospitals are Magnet. It's a designation, cream of the crop of all hospitals so to speak. In my hospital LPN's are not let go or demoted as they are not in a managerial role, at least not in an acute setting such as a tertiary or Level I trauma hospital. The talk of "demotion" or "being let go" is always associated with Magnet due to the number of employees who choose not to seek higher education in order to keep their managerial jobs.
I am a case manager and luckily I have a BSN, otherwise I'd be required to go back to school or face demotion. One of my coworkers (RN for 28 yrs) is having to go back to school for her BSN in order to stay working in case management. My boss, an RN with 34 years experience who has a BSN, will be required within 5 years to attain a Master's in either health adm or MSN. Anyone in a managerial role and without the required degree has been notified that if they do not start the process of getting that higher degree, they will be asked to step down to a lower position once Magnet status is obtained. There is no "grandfather" clause when it comes to Magnet. You're required to obtain the education equal to your job title according to how Magnet rates your specific job. OTJ experience doesn't count.
I was told there has to be so many PhD's, Master's, Bachelors, etc. managing the hospital to qualify for Magnet, along with a zillion other requirements. Guess that's why it takes 2 years to actually get the accredidation.
the magnet recognition program® is based on quality indicators and standards of nursing practice as defined in the american nurses association's scope and standards for nurse administrators (2003). the magnet designation process includes the appraisal of both qualitative and quantitative factors in nursing.
scope and standards for nurse administrators defines the scope and various levels of practice for nursing administration; outlines qualifications for these roles across all settings; and provides standards of care and professional performance for this complex nursing specialty. meeting these standards of care is a requirement to receive magnet recognition
objectives of the magnet recognition program®
if these objectives not occuring in your organization, please speak up.
from: self-assessment survey for [color=#006666]organizations
nursing leadership.
nurse executive. each applicant will have at each facility and setting a designated on-site nurse executive responsible for nursing practice at that facility who meets the same requirements as the cno.
protected feedback procedures. applicant organizations must have policies and procedures that permit and encourage nurses to confidentially express their concerns about their professional practice environment without retribution. policies and procedures that discourage nurses to express their concerns about their professional practice environment are prohibited....
data collection. applicants for magnet designation must collect nurse-sensitive quality indicators at the unit level and benchmark that data against a database at the highest/broadest level possible (i.e., national, state, specialty organization, regional, or system) to support research and quality improvement initiatives.
for applicants to the magnet recognition program, all of the indicators listed below, as applicable, must be collected at the unit level, trended over time, and analyzed for impact on patient outcomes.
are the following characteristics found throughout your organization wherever nurses practice? (pulled out some of questions asked and evaluated)
6. nurses from a variety of roles (direct care, advanced practice, management, executive, etc.) are involved in decision-making bodies in the organization.
9. decentralized, shared decision-making processes prevail throughout the nursing operations of the organization.
25.there is a quality infrastructure and there are processes that include human and material resources to support care delivery.
1,378 Posts
I know that some hospitals (over the years) became "all RN hospitals" (ours did) but I have never heard of any of that being because of Magnet status. I think the getting rid of LPN's is more of a geographical trend.
When we became an "all RN hospital" the hospital allowed all their LPN's to go back to school (paid for by the hospital) and they also were allowed to keep their medical benefits (as if full time) even when they reduced their hours to go to school. They had to either become RN's or work only as CNA's. Each of the LPN's had that choice and most of them took advantage of the program.
9 Posts
The Magnet Certification is a tatic promoted by the ANA.
The ANA hates LPNs. There is no role at all for LPNs in the Magnet Certification. This not an overlook or accident. The ANA and Magnet want you gone!