Made Incredibly Easy books!


I wanted to buy Pathophysiology Made incredibly easy books on amazon. And wanted to know does anyone know which edition is worth buying? The most recent is the 5th. I was going to purchase the 4th, but the 3rd is definitely cheaper. Are they slightly different or it doesn't matter?

They are probably slightly different. I had old copies of the pediatric and maternity made easy books that I used to study for boards. They worked perfectly fine for me. Usually, they just make minimal changes to these types of books just so that they can come out with a "newer" edition to sell. I would just get the cheapest one if that would work best for you.

Love these books by the way! They are awesome and, well, incredibly easy to understand. :cheeky:

Thanks! I just ordered the 3rd edition!

Specializes in Hospice, Palliative Care.

Good day, LadyPink12:

I went cheap and ordered the second edition (used) about a week or so ago. I figured the basic concepts wouldn't change much.

Thank you.

I have those books for Micro as well as Patho. So helpful!

Agreed! They are really handy when you need to look something up quickly. Not a substitute for the thirty pound textbook, but a good addition to your library for sure!

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