Published Jan 7, 2010
8 Posts
I just finished taking the HESI at Macomb Community College today and got a 91.02. (Not very happy about it) My GPA for all the required prerequisites is a 3.58. With all of the admission changes for 2010, I'm not sure where I stand. I'm assuming the accepted GPA's and HESI scores will be lower than years past. What does everybody think? Do I stand a chance? Please share your GPA on the required courses and your HESI score. Thanks.....
468 Posts
It's probably going to be really hard to tell until the first round of applicants are accepted under the new terms. Only a handfull of people are on this website, (and it seems most of them are the ones that apply multiple times)so it will be hard to get an accurate gauge of how people are doing. I would expect the scores to go down too, but not sure by how much. Good Luck
373 Posts
I have considered applying to MCC but haven't yet. If you don't mind sharing with me the new requirements. I am not sure of what they require now but it seems to me that you did really well. A 91 doesn't seem to be bad...that is if its on a scale of 100. I know that I have heard if you don't get in on the first time around to just take one of the classes that you didn't do so well in again to help boost your gpa. I have known this to work for a few people that have gotten accepted that I know.
I am going in to take my HESI on the 20th and I am quite nervous. How was the exam for you? Any advice that you could give? Good luck to you and I am sure you will get in and do great!! Keep me posted!
111 Posts
If you had a 91 and 4.0 last year you would have made the cut for the 2009 class. I know this because I started the Nursing Program last October and poepole in our class talk... I can so feel your frustration and worry! I've been there too....
They use a formula to calculate the rankings. If you do some deep searching on here you might find it...It's weighed by your HESI and GPA. So if you had an excellent HESI of say 98 and a say 3.75 GPA it would put you near someone who had a 94 HESI and 4.0 GPA.
This year is unfortunatly the trial group in which you will be the first set to be scored by the "new" rules. I honestly think that the GPA's are going to be lower than previous years. Not many people had a chance to retake classes that they may have had B's or C's in. The new rules hit somewhat "fast". Also, if you did not do well in A&P, would you really want to spend that kind of money or time again? Just saying it is a costly class....
The next months are going to be really tough to get through and not worry about things. A 3.58 GPA and 91 HESI would not have made the cut in 2009. Alternatively, the GPA's being most probably lower this year might work in your favor. You just never know. So there is no good answer to your question. I'm curious on how things will end up too for everyone as I have a few friends working on becoming 2010 students also.
Good Luck to you! I wish I could say more....
32 Posts
Hey McGinnis, I have about the same GPA. It's really leaving me on edge, because its hard to tell if I stand a chance or not either. These next few months are going to be so stressful just waiting to see if we made it in or not!!
1 Post
Unfortunately the odds with a 91 and a gpa of 3.58 are not in your favor right now. They did change the requirements but that score would not have gotten you in last year for sure. I would apply to other places just in case.
366 Posts
i would not count yourself out until you recieve your denial letter. i had a similar score last year because of them lowering my gpa by not counting a lot of my classes in the transfer, and i was a high number alternate. i guarantee there are a lot less 4.0's and applicants in general this year because of the changes. i know a lot of people that were not able to get the pre-reqs done because of the changes, and they did not sell the hesi out this year and you had to retake it. so if i was an alternate when there was 2000+ applicants you have a good chance if there was not even a 1000 applicants this year.
With mcc do u have to have ALL the pre req's done before u can apply to the program? Or can u apply with like maybe one not completed??
with mcc do u have to have all the pre req's done before u can apply to the program? or can u apply with like maybe one not completed??
you now have to have these done to apply:
ap 1 and 2
comp 1
Thank you for the encouraging message. Did you get into the program off of the alternate list? If so, what number on the list were you? Thanks
I sent you a pm. :)
Shannonmarie,Thank you for the encouraging message. Did you get into the program off of the alternate list? If so, what number on the list were you? Thanks
3 Posts
I would also like to know this information shannonmarie. I have a 3.91/gpa and 85/hesi. Good luck to everyone.