Published Jul 11, 2008
23 Posts
I am currently debating which route to take. I am 25 yrs. old and plan on using both as a stepping stone to do greater things and of course make more money. My school is telling me I should go the Surge tech route but on the internet it seems like all i read is bad stories. I am very confused on what to do because this is the rest of my life and once i lock in to something im going for it 200% to the top. So I guess thats my question. What profession has the best career paths to advance and make a bunch of money? I just want to work hard and do something I love!!!!!!!!
Thanks in advance for your help and suggestions
Pretty in Ink
134 Posts
I would choose nursing, if you love the OR you can be a nurse in that field. Honestly I really don't know how a surg tech moves up. In nursing there is always more. You can get your ADN, BSN or MSN and work in so many different fields of nursing, if you don't like one you can go to another. Lots of flexibility......but maybe I'm biased
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
:welcome: Welcome to our forums. . .
While the surgical technician position might offer more desirable scheduling and a better working environment, the LVN designation will typically be more versatile and transferable to different workplace settings.
For example, I've seen LVNs being employed as surgical techs at acute care hospitals. When you flip the coin, I have never seen surgical techs employed as psychiatric techs, laboratory techs, dialysis techs, etc.
In other words, you'll have more career mobility as a nurse. And yes, the LVN is a nurse. Good luck to you!
Thanks for the responses. Im freaking out here because I can't decide. They both start in like 2 months. Thanks again
8,343 Posts
In my part of the world, only LPNS can train as surgical techs. So go nursing and your employment is secure and varied.
38,333 Posts
I don't know about making a bunch of money, but the route for more opportunity is to get an LPN license. Surgical tech is too limited and jobs are very hard to get, especially when you are starting out. There are many venues where an LPN can find work, but a surg tech can only work in a surgery setting, very limiting. Look in the Sunday employment ads of a major newspaper or on any of the employment websites and you will see that jobs for LPNs far outnumber jobs for surg techs.
Thanks to all. I decided to go the nursing route. I start oct.1 and i am really excited. Thanks again
67 Posts
Good for you. I was a surg. Tech. Now I'm an LVN. Hands down the right decision.