LVN Needs job in the IE!!

Nurses LPN/LVN


Specializes in Geriatrics.

Help!! I received my LVN in January of this year, and I have yet to find work in the Inland Empire. I have look all over to find work, but all say I need more experience. How can I get experience if someone doesn't hire me. I was a cna for many years before I got my licence. Nursing school was alot of money, and I can't even get work as a nurse? So if there is ANYONE out there willing to give me a chance or know of any work out here, please let me know!!!! : )


I am in the same exact shoes as you, but I do not have the years of experience as a CNA so it is even harder. I am supporting a family on a minimum wage job right now. I am not making enough money to get by, cant get a job as a nurse because I am a new grad and dont have 1 yr of exp(how can you get any exp. if you cant get A job?), and am receiving bills to pay back a $30k loan when I cant even pay rent. So I went to school for nothing it seems except to put myself in debt,not get a job, and go right back to making min wage and being poor. Yeehaw!

ps. if there is ANYONE out there willing to give me a chance or know of any work out here, please let me know!!!! : ) thanks!

Specializes in LTC, Med-surg, Sub Acute, ER, Some ICU,.

Hi LLM and cawKazn. Sorry to hear about your difficulties finding work. I am familiar with the IE and unfortunately your situation has become commonplace. I believe the current lull in the job market is a temporary situation and will eventually correct itself. I know 3 recently graduated LVN's who had a really hard time finding a job, but they all eventually did.

A few days ago one of them told me that she finally landed a job by volunteering at an Md's office. She figured that volunteering would give her a chance to improve her skills and gain some experience. After about a month and a half she had demonstrated that she was a good worker and a valuable team member, so they hired her. Now she's working and loves it.

So keep that strategy in mind even if only as a last resort. Wish you the best.

The field of electronic medical reecords is booming. More and more agencies are looking for medical professionals. Sure, experience would be nice, but just beinga licensed medical professional may open a few doors for you. If where you trained is up and running with any type of EMR, you are half-way there. The money is good, really good. There are technical social websites you can go to to network and to find out how to get started.

Good luck....:smokin:

sorry im a bit confused with your post.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.
sorry im a bit confused with your post.
I think the previous poster is suggesting EMR (electronic medical records) as a future career pathway. Some healthcare facilities will hire an LVN to do their medical records.
Specializes in Geriatrics.

Thank you very much because I didn't understand that post. I am most interested in ANYTHING that will get me a job. If anyone has anymore information on EMR and training us post.


i looked it up, $10-13 an hour in my

I heard that Texas has many nursing positions available, if you are willing to relocate.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.
I heard that Texas has many nursing positions available, if you are willing to relocate.
I've been living in Texas for five years already. I'm originally from California.

The nursing job market has considerably slowed down here in Texas over the past couple of years. I wouldn't advise anyone to move here without a job lined up, or else they might become disappointed.

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