Lvn coleman college

Nursing Students LPN/LVN Students


I'm applying in may for the LVN program I'm taking my last class which is A and P for allied health I have to do the information session and also the teas. I'm so nervous

Oh ok gotch ya

Sounds very cool.

I took my teas I met the grading requirement for the test

That's great, yulia. Now you can apply and I hope you get in for the fall.

How will they contact me on the status of my application?

They will mail you a letter in 2-3 weeks.

I got my congratulations letter!!!!!! How am I gonna find an LVN to interview?

I don't know if you got my private message, but if you go to your local hospital, you should be able to find an LVN to interview, if not, then you can also go to a nursing home.

It's cool so far!

@smartypants do you have all 3 levels of books .... If so can I buy them from you

queen217, I'll send you a PM.

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