LSU Care Fall 2019

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hello guys! I wanted to start this thread to see if anyone is applying for the LSU Care Fall 2019 program? Applications are due next month and I am super nervous about submitting, and was wondering if anyone was feeling the same or knew anyone who is currently in the program. :/

@Nikki20 Well even though you did send in the money, you can still deny the spot. You'll lose out on money, but at least you get to go to your school of choice. I would try calling each school that you applied to and speak with someone to find out what date you will hear back for acceptance. There should be some type of time frame.

Has anyone heard back from the school about registration?

We won’t find out until the end of april or later. I think yesterday was the last day people had to respond and pay to secure their spot.

I just got an email saying May 3rd

They’re sending out the emails for our school emails and user names

I just registered for classes ?

Ditto. There's also a bunch of online trainings that I assume will be due eventually in the Knowledge Delivery section if anyone else likes getting those out of the way.

I noticed that for at least a few of the classes, there are 200 seats. Are we with the sophomores in traditional for these or what?

I registered too!! And yeah we have 21 modules to complete, but I’m not sure by what date. Our first semester we are with the traditional students!

You have to complete verification in the self-service section and then you have to complete the compliance training which should have been the first email you received in your outlook. The Verification is very important to complete or you won't be registered for classes.

Here's the link to do it ?

So I'm feeling kinda slow...I'm not understanding the registration and validation process.

Nevermind, I finally found it!

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