U.S.A. Louisiana


Hi everybody,

Im new to this site and could really use some advice. Im starting LSU traditional BSN program. Was wondering if anyone has any advice about what to expect and what I should do to prepare. Also if anyone is actually a student at LSU that would help or if they are starting in the Fall as well.

yeah, same here. i'm so nervous. my GPA for my nursing pre-reqs is a 3.4 i believe. so i think my gpa and score is pretty average or borderline-average. so i'm kinda hoping that i can get in based on me being a male and a minority which is bad. but only reason my GPA is so low is cause i messed up my first 2 semesters which i regret!

I am the same way! I actually started off at Our Lady of the Lake and transferred to LSU in Baton Rouge and had to retake majority of my classes over. Such a waste of time!!! Have you written the goal statement paper?

not yet, i was planning on starting soon to try and finish it before july so i can get everything over with as soon as possible.

Yeah me too. But I stupidly decided to take summer school and my classes don't end until August 12th so I'll probably have to send in my transcript twice. I'm cutting it really close!

dr. essie at lsu said that as long as your pre-reqs are in progress, you will be considered. or are you just trying to have a higher grade in certain courses? if you dont mind me asking, what's your GPA in the pre-reqs?

and is the application deadline aug 15 or is that the day that you can start applying? when i talked to dr. essie, she said that was the day that you can start applying but the site says thats the deadline

well i had to finish my last pre-req which is biol and biol lab, so i'm in that right now. of those 16 hours, right now i have a 3.25 (which sucks, i know). but i'm hoping i can do well enough to boost it a little bit. and then i'm taking religion as a summer intersession to finish up my last humanities. other than that, i have everything finished. in the fall i am taking abnormal psych and statistics so i'm hoping that looks good too. (moderator edit of name - please do not post names of those in your nursing program per terms of service) told me that 80% of lsu students get accepted, which kind of makes me feel better but still. i'm really borderline.

Oh and I'm pretty sure August 15th is the deadline!

Well I had to finish my last Pre-Req which is BIOL and BIOL Lab, so I'm in that right now. Of those 16 hours, right now I have a 3.25 (Which SUCKS, I know). But I'm hoping I can do well enough to boost it a little bit. And then I'm taking Religion as a Summer Intersession to finish up my last humanities. Other than that, I have everything finished. In the fall I am taking Abnormal Psych and Statistics so I'm hoping that looks good too. XXXXXX told me that 80% of LSU students get accepted, which kind of makes me feel better but still. I'm really borderline.

i took abnormal psych last semester and got a C. im going to be retaking again this fall semester to try and boost that grade up. going to try a different teacher this time around. im still waiting to get into statistics. the waitlist is ridiculous so im hoping i can get into one of the sections that open during the summer for the incoming students.

Which section are you taking?

for abnormal psych? section 3

Oh okay, I'm in section 1. Just wanted to see if we had a class together!

thats with (moderator edit of name - please do not post names of those in your nursing program per terms of service) ? i took him last semester and the killer part was sitting through a three hour class late at night. it was interesting, but just too long

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