U.S.A. Louisiana


Hi everybody,

Im new to this site and could really use some advice. Im starting LSU traditional BSN program. Was wondering if anyone has any advice about what to expect and what I should do to prepare. Also if anyone is actually a student at LSU that would help or if they are starting in the Fall as well.

I GOT IN TOO :) congrats everyone!

I got the email to my phone at 9:11 this morning and have been ecstatic since :yeah:

yayyyy me tooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woohooo i got in!!!!!!!!!!!!! congrats yall! :)

Congratulations to all!!!

I haven't gotten an e-mail... I am in total freak out mode! maybe I'm on the waiting list... not knowing is the worst!:cry:

I e-mailed them, and they just let me know that I got in too!!!

yay for all of us!!! I'm beside myself.:yeah:

GO US! has anybody gotten their admissions packet yet? still waiting, though i know i'm, still nerve wrecking to know that somewhere in postal land my future awaits...

omgosh me too! i havent gotten mine yet but im scared i wont get in and miss the deadline to turn it in! On the email it says we have days to turn in the acceptance letter when we get it in the mail..but idk when ill get it in the mail! i guess we will have to keep each other posted on when we get it! I'm so excited that we all got in!!

alright, the mail man has come and gone and still no packet! Don't they know i'm going crazy over here?!? i thought for sure i would get it today...i'm only in Mandeville :( tomorrow has to be the day haha

No packet in mail today in mid city. After we get the packet and turn it in, then we go crazy trying to figure out how to pay for the program. ;)

haha you're right! this is only the beginning of us going crazy! bring it on nursing school :p

Hi I am more interested in what the Panel Interview was like

OMG I WAS THINKING THE SAME THING! So i called and they told me that they were mailing them today! so we all should get them this week! :) yay! I'm so excited! Cant wait to get the forms and pay for the program haha! We say that now and once we're in it we're going to be like omgosh is it over yet!! lol

and taurus 99 we didn't have to do the interview. Thats something theyre starting or should i say bringing back for feb 1 applicants. sorry :/

Great job everyone! Congrats! You know that if you have LA residency the program has probably one of the best price to quality ratios in the country. Lucky us... Anyway, no packet yet. Is the advising session the same thing as the panel interview or different? Just curious. The scary part is over for me either way :loveya:

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