LSU BSN Fall 2015

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi all, I'm starting this as an ongoing thread from the LSU BSN Spring 2015 thread - For those of us who are applying for the first time, or those who are re-applying. That thread was extremely useful in chatting with other applicants throughout the process whether about prerequs, the actual application, or the interview process. Feel free to post questions, comments, and concerns here.


Has anybody heard anything else?? Is there anything we need to do as far as registration for orientation?

Is there anything we need to do to join the group besides sending a request?

Hey guys, LSUHSC updated the new student link with all the info we need. Anyone know if they had uniforms last semester too? :bored:

hey all ... start with this link .. then go from there. New Students - Undergraduate - LSU Health New Orleans School of Nursing (i personally find this to be very overwhelming but not everyone will feel that way)

it's a lot of info but it is what it is! and yes they implemented uniforms a couple semesters ago.

is anyone going to be working part time during school?

also, i can't join the group on FB quite yet ... my job doesn't know that I got into school and will be leaving

It's SOOO much stuff we have to do! It'll be ohkay though (:

So the orientation is 3 days ??? Or do we just go for 1 of the 3 days ???

I am pretty sure we have to go all 3 days. and then again on the 11th for our class orientation. I wonder if we have to wear uniforms for the orientations? I may call and ask, because I have another question about something I read in the "New Student Information for Non-licensed Undergraduate Students" document about clinicals .. I am posting it here because maybe one of you can answer my question. Page 1, item #2, second paragraph. It says requirements must be complete by Aug 5, but I don't see any other links or forms referring to the requirements. Does anyone know what we have to do for this?

"In partnering with the local hospitals and clinics in the Greater New Orleans area, LSUHSC School of Nursing agrees to abide by their pre- employment and patient safety guidelines. Most of these requirements are only needed once while enrolled unless stipulated otherwise by the healthcare facility. All requirements must be complete by August 5, 2015."

I am pretty sure we have to go all 3 days. and then again on the 11th for our class orientation. I wonder if we have to wear uniforms for the orientations? I may call and ask, because I have another question about something I read in the "New Student Information for Non-licensed Undergraduate Students" document about clinicals .. I am posting it here because maybe one of you can answer my question. Page 1, item #2, second paragraph. It says requirements must be complete by Aug 5, but I don't see any other links or forms referring to the requirements. Does anyone know what we have to do for this?

"In partnering with the local hospitals and clinics in the Greater New Orleans area, LSUHSC School of Nursing agrees to abide by their pre- employment and patient safety guidelines. Most of these requirements are only needed once while enrolled unless stipulated otherwise by the healthcare facility. All requirements must be complete by August 5, 2015."

Perhaps the requirements the school imposes on us includes the requirements listed by the various healthcare facilities. Stuff like immunization and insurance.

Maybe so. I sent an email early last week asking about it and haven't heard back yet. I will post any information that I find out on here.

Has anyone else gotten an e-mail about Soph I semester dues in their LSUHSC e-mail? Does anyone know what the money is for and if it's a requirement? I can't find any information in the New Student tab on the website.


I don't think that pertains to us, I am pretty sure we mistakenly got that email, I see it too. But they are talking about Spring 2015, and we don't even start until Fall 2015, so I am almost positive that's not for us. You could always call the school and ask though.

Also the bottom of the email says [COLOR=purple]Class of December 2017 at LSUHSC[/COLOR] and that's not our graduation date

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