Published May 6, 2006
1,804 Posts
Hi. I am not an LPN, but an RN who has recently taken a position as an educator. We pay a differential for orienting new staff. I thought this was for all nursing staff. I asked someone who I thought would know and they also told me it was. I, in turn, told an LPN she would be compensated for orienting a new staff member. In talking to the unit manager about something else, it came up that only RN's are given a differential for precepting. I told the LPN who was upset. I totally understand her point. I plan to talk to someone in hospital ed. and see why this is. My question is to the LPN's here is: Do you get compensated for orienting new staff? I want to find out if this is just my hospital or if this is fairly normal. Thanks in advance.
Marie_LPN, RN, LPN, RN
12,126 Posts
I get extra for orienting.
Sounds bad, but i wouldn't do it anymore if i were told i didn't get extra.
And it's very wrong for only RNs to be compensated, and not the LPNs too. That speaks in volumes on how little the powers that be think of LPNs.
I agree that it is unfair. This lady is a really good nurse and why should she do it for nothing? I just want to see why the hospital thinks it's okay. Usually they say it's the "market" that dictates benefits, so that's why I am checking.
79 Posts
When I worked 3-11 I did alot of the orientation of the new nurses I did not recieve any thing extra for this but usually I would get a better evaluation for it resulting in a better yearly raise . But I son't have to worry about it working 7-3 lots of long timers to do this there.
115 Posts
I worked at a teaching hospital in GA and I was not compensated. I precepted a new grad for 2 weeks before I realized that I wasn't going to be paid the extra $3/hr. I politely told the ADON that I appreciated her confidence in me, but that if the hospital didn't see fit for LPN's to earn preceptor pay, I was no longer interested in orienting new staff. I do my best to be helpful to new staff or grads, but I refuse to go beyond that now.
25 Posts
I work in LTC . I do not get paid extra for orienting new staff
8,343 Posts
Get paid for preceptoring a student. Orientation of a new staff member is done for free.