LPN/RPN Question


Can LPN/RPNs work in hospice/palliative care? Or is that just for RNs? If it differs for each province, I'd be in Ontario.

I'm still trying to decide which is the best way for me to take and I would really like to work either in geriatrics or hospice.

Thank you (:

It can vary from facility to facility, never mind provinces.

I have several friends who work Hospice. It's out there if you look.

Specializes in Med/Surg, LTC/Geriatric.

Absolutely in BC.

Specializes in Hospital nursing.

Yep. Plenty of RPNs work in hospice and palliative. Pretty much the only areas RPNs in Ontario are not commonly found in are NICU, ICU, PICU (see a trend? ;) ), L&D and the ER. RPNs are now working oncology, cardiac, perinatal, paeds, CCC, Surgical, Medicine, etc.

Specializes in Acute Care, Rehab, Palliative.
Yep. Plenty of RPNs work in hospice and palliative. Pretty much the only areas RPNs in Ontario are not commonly found in are NICU, ICU, PICU (see a trend? ;) ), L&D and the ER. RPNs are now working oncology, cardiac, perinatal, paeds, CCC, Surgical, Medicine, etc.

The hospital I work at is the same except they do have RPNs in the ER.

yes there are many RPNS on the palliative units

Specializes in Oncology, Medical.

We have a palliative section on our floor and it is primarily run by RPNs. RN patients are generally less stable, while with palliative patients, it's comfort measures only so it's not like you'll be calling a Code Blue on them should they crash or anything.

It probably varies from facility to facility, though. I can only speak for my unit :)

In my hospital "Code Blue" covers respiratory codes, so we have called a code on a DNR on palliative/comfort care only.

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