LPN class full should I take...


I missed the cut to enter this fall in the LPN Program (top of list for next fall '06) They are offering Patient Care Technician (nurse assistant, EKG, Phlobotomy) which concludes May '06. I'd appreciate any and all advice pros/cons on this subject. Should I invest the time and money? Will the knowledge I gain help me as a LPN? Have any you taken this program or any others before becoming a LPN? As you can see I have many questions so don't hesitate to elaborate further. Also, I have been out of school 25+ years, I will more than likley be the oldest in the class. Thanks.

If it were me I would take the class, as a nurse aide you learn so much about the patient care and phlebotomy is not something that is taught in the nursing curriculum but comes in handy quite often.

Yes. If it were myself I sure would take that class and the LPN when they let you. There is a lot to learn and you can start w/the PCT, and is sorta what I did some 20 years ago,and it helped. Hope this helps you. IMo

I would take the class. You should also find out if you can earn credit towards your LPN. The class I am waiting to get into takes credit for an approved CNA class. As far as you being the oldest in your class, don't be so sure. I am 38 and just starting my nursing career (or soon to be). I have seen on this board that the ages range from early 20's to mid 50's. Good luck to you.

I missed the cut to enter this fall in the LPN Program (top of list for next fall '06) They are offering Patient Care Technician (nurse assistant, EKG, Phlobotomy) which concludes May '06. I'd appreciate any and all advice pros/cons on this subject. Should I invest the time and money? Will the knowledge I gain help me as a LPN? Have any you taken this program or any others before becoming a LPN? As you can see I have many questions so don't hesitate to elaborate further. Also, I have been out of school 25+ years, I will more than likley be the oldest in the class. Thanks.
You should also find out if you can earn credit towards your LPN. The class I am waiting to get into takes credit for an approved CNA class.


So what's considered an "approved CNA class"?

I missed the cut to enter this fall in the LPN Program (top of list for next fall '06) They are offering Patient Care Technician (nurse assistant, EKG, Phlobotomy) which concludes May '06. I'd appreciate any and all advice pros/cons on this subject. Should I invest the time and money? Will the knowledge I gain help me as a LPN? Have any you taken this program or any others before becoming a LPN? As you can see I have many questions so don't hesitate to elaborate further. Also, I have been out of school 25+ years, I will more than likley be the oldest in the class. Thanks.

become a paramedic, then test thru excelsior to be an rn :). it's easy to get into medic school.

become a paramedic, then test thru excelsior to be an rn :). it's easy to get into medic school.

Did you become a paramedic or know someone who took this route? How did it work out? Did you need to work as a paramedic for awhile before testing thru excelsior?

Thanks to everyone who has responed...

I wanted to know did you put a deposit down to hold a spot for you when they told you that the program was full? This had happened to me. After passing the exam and turning in all the work from my physicals...I was given an appointment to be interviewed. I had my interview in Feb. 05 and they told me the class was full for fall 05. They said there was 16 people ahead of me waiting for a spot. I was told that I had a definite spot for Fall 06. They told me that I could put a $100 deposit down to hold my spot. So instead of being frustrated about not starting in Fall 05 I gave them my deposit. Well what was funny was that in June I got a letter from them saying that there was a opening in Fall 05 and because I paid my deposit they were offering me that spot. I was so excited and happy that I did put a deposit down that day. There were several girls in front of me who didn't because they couldn't start in Fall 05. So long story short don't give up something will happen for you.

No deposits--Goes by date of application--When you have over 150 apps. and only 40 are taken.... I am on another waiting list at another school - I will not know the out come until December.

I appreciate the feed back I am getting from you guy's. I am going to take the PCT Class this fall - And if I am accepted into the other class, I would not have lost anything but gained some knowledge. I will continue to persue my ultimate goal of becoming a nurse.


No deposits--Goes by date of application--When you have over 150 apps. and only 40 are taken.... I am on another waiting list at another school - I will not know the out come until December.

I appreciate the feed back I am getting from you guy's. I am going to take the PCT Class this fall - And if I am accepted into the other class, I would not have lost anything but gained some knowledge. I will continue to persue my ultimate goal of becoming a nurse.


I had been out of school for 15 years when I decided to go and finally do my entire life goal. I had been a CNA previously and I will have to admit, if it wouldn't have been for that, I might have been lost the majority of the time. Being a CNA really helped me understand about pt. care, medical terminology and how things work. I had seen alot of things that others had not, so I definately say go for that PCT class and learn learn learn.

I'm done, I'm done, now all I have to do is walk across that stage!!!! Yehaw!!! :biggringi

I think you should take the phlebotomy class. From my own experience I wish I had taken the class because I was not tought how to draw blood, and In most clinical settings such as the hospital they have lab techs to do that so I didn't get any experience on drawing blood. Now that I am an LPN it's something I'm learning how to do on my own.

I missed the cut to enter this fall in the LPN Program (top of list for next fall '06) They are offering Patient Care Technician (nurse assistant, EKG, Phlobotomy) which concludes May '06. I'd appreciate any and all advice pros/cons on this subject. Should I invest the time and money? Will the knowledge I gain help me as a LPN? Have any you taken this program or any others before becoming a LPN? As you can see I have many questions so don't hesitate to elaborate further. Also, I have been out of school 25+ years, I will more than likley be the oldest in the class. Thanks.


What do age have to do with nursing? Abraham was old and he is the father of all nations and that is in the bible . So if Abraham and Sarah did it you know you can with God's help. :saint:

Take the class to gain experience in the nursing field. While taking the class talk to some of the instructors about your goals. Maybe they can talk :yelclap: to someone in nursing and put you on an alternate list if someone do not attend the next LPN class.

Remember God do everything for a reason.

:offtopic: I have a bachelor's degree and can not afford the RN program.

The LPN will give me less class time to be a nurse vs the two year RN. Once I start working I will have experience and more money to pay for the RN program. God may send a hospital that will pay for my RN. :balloons:

God will take care of you.

Keep your head up,


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