Published Nov 2, 2006
Mizzyfrufru, LPN
97 Posts
i wanted to know if anyone knows of schools that offer an option to sit and test for RN NCLEX while enrolled in the LPN to BSN program. i don't want to wait 3 years while finishing my BSN to have the title RN. i'm in Virginia but any help would be appreciated.
1 Article; 6,683 Posts
The VA Board of Nursing might be able to let you know if that's an option at any schools in the state. Good luck to you.
253 Posts
I can't see that happening really. You still have to have the clinical hours to be a RN and the curriculum is set up for the entire program. BUT, if you find out othewise let us know.
Hoping LVN2BSN
191 Posts
You should ask the schools you want to go to, this can vary. I hope to go to National University next fall. For their program, once you complete the prerequisites to the nursing core classes, which are lower division GE classes (psych, english, math, science) then complete the nursing core, you CAN sit for the NCLEX without having completed the upper division classes. You won't get your bachelor's until the upper classes are completed, but you can make more money while you're finishing up!
Once again, that is school specific, you would have to ask the school you want to attend, it's not unheard of and not uncommon, just have to ask.
Good luck to you!
4 Posts
Hi LVN toBSN, I just wanted to know if how long it took you to get into the LVN to BSN program? When did you get your letter? Di you get a letter before or after you completed the pre-requisite classes. Also, on your accuplacer exam, did you do well? I heard they don't take anyone who didn't test into college algabra. Please let me know-Thanks
You should ask the schools you want to go to, this can vary. I hope to go to National University next fall. For their program, once you complete the prerequisites to the nursing core classes, which are lower division GE classes (psych, english, math, science) then complete the nursing core, you CAN sit for the NCLEX without having completed the upper division classes. You won't get your bachelor's until the upper classes are completed, but you can make more money while you're finishing up!Once again, that is school specific, you would have to ask the school you want to attend, it's not unheard of and not uncommon, just have to ask.Good luck to you!
Faeriewand, ASN, RN
1,800 Posts
Hoping LVN2BSN are you in school right now at National University? Where are your classes? I was checking into NU so just asking. How is the program?