Low Kaplan Scores


ok so i know alot of people are always wondering so i figured i would air my dirty laundry as it will help some others.


diagnostic test 45%

Q1 53%

Q2 37%

Q3 48%

Q4 41%

Q5 52%

Q6 45%

Q7 43%

readiness 45%

i had a 34.4% chance of passing with those score. i cried for a few hours and pulled myself together and went to my test. i got 265 questions with the bulk being prioritize and delegation questions and select all that apply. found out the next morning via the florida exam grade reports page that i passed.


words could not begin to describe how good i felt. i walked into that room thinking i would fail but like Al Bundy had to face the music and try anyways. walk out sure i faild. i did the pearson vue trick at the time hourly until the next morning.

what did i use to study? kaplan online first. remar to really grasp the content in a simple way and Lacharity (this was a big help. and has been as a practicing nurse as well).

i would say content wise kaplan was good. with that remar really helped understand the content better. the kaplan and Lacharity questions really drilled it home. and my kaplan scores were so low. made me sad. but if i can do it you can too. send mr your personalemail if you need some emailed resources. even know im done testing and have been for a while i still keep up with the newest things because i want everyone else to pass as well. oh and i passed on my second attempt. first time did not study and had a short attention spand of 30 questions at best. Kaplan really helped break that and build upt to 265.


Your post is very inspiring. I've been kicking myself about my Kaplan scores & Satas I'm always off one. Can you please send me the material as well. Thank you

Congrats nurse

Specializes in Emergency, Delivery and OR Nurse.

Hi Wayemika! Thank you and Congratulations! I'll appreciate all you're suggestions, tips or any resources that can help me taking my NCLEX this February 2015, Here is my email [email protected] hope everything is well! God Bless!:)

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