Lovenox IV

Specialties CCU


Is anyone giving Lovenox IV, we have just had an MD order it and have not given it by this route and the MD could not give us much evidence other than other hospitals are giving it IV as a bolus when starting anticoagulant therapy. Thanks :)

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

Here is the prescribing information regarding Lovenox and IV use.

Heparin Sodium Prescribing Information, Wyeth-Ayerst Pharmaceuticals, Philadelphia, PA.

Try this link about Lovenox and IV administration.

Specializes in NICU.

We've given it IV in the NICU, but only because many of our tiny patients lack the kind fat tissue needed for proper SQ administration.

Specializes in ER,Neurology, Endocrinology, Pulmonology.

I am curious why someone would prefer to order Lovenox IV ( In my facility it is prohibited as far as i know) vs regular Heparin? I always thought that regular heparin works well and works fast. If there is a clot that needs immediate attention that is what I've seen prescribed.

Very interesting.

LMWH compare favorably to UFH in prevention & treatment of venous thromboembolism and are associated with less thrombocytopenia. In addition to the preloaded syringes it's available as 100mg/mL and 150mg/mL multidose vials; pH5.5-7.5 and rather expen$sive too.

Specializes in Telemetry, ICU, Resource Pool, Dialysis.
Hey PricklyPear

Way to go. Who would have thought of that? SnailMail!!!

Can you tell us the Company's name, website, etc? My google didn't turn them up.

Papaw John

I was surprised at their quick response. I just emailed them here (Aventis) and I received some very interesting information. I did offer to pass it around on another thread, then I realized that the pdf files had all my personal information embedded in them, and I couldn't edit them!!

Our ER gives initial dose of lovenox IV and then we give the follow up doses S.Q. in ICU/CCU

Hey Celia

An interesting trip through google-ville yielded an article in Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (doesn't that sound like something to take to the beach house?!) about CONTINUOUS IV lovenox infusion. (A couple of episodes of GI bleeding--overall seemed pretty safe, they say.)

For the rest of the 4 or 5 items I scanned, lovenox was only cited as a SQ drug. (They were all quite strong about NO IM ADMINISTRATION.)

There is a good bit in there about IV bolus doses of 'unfractionated heparin'. I didn't study it enough to 'splain the difference between 'unfractionated' and 'low molecular weight' heparin.

The best advice is to follow the Hosp's policy, however.

Papaw John

In my recent graduate class on nursing research we learned that one study does not make for evidence-based practice! The docs should know this since they've been into evidence-based practice longer than we have.:wink2:

Hey Justme!!!

If there's something an ignorant ol' redneck hates its the softly spoken implication that he's an ignorant ol' redneck.

If you think it, hun, you can say it.

It might even be true. Or not.

Papaw John



Hey Justme!!!

If there's something an ignorant ol' redneck hates its the softly spoken implication that he's an ignorant ol' redneck.

If you think it, hun, you can say it.

It might even be true. Or not.

Papaw John

OMG no!! Sorry--didn't mean you are ignorant! Only meant that I see it happen all the time that someone takes ONE study and runs with it, saying that this is the way we should do things. Usually among our doctor friends.

Mea culpa!!:imbar

Aw shucks. I bet I was over-sensitive. (My wife would say THAT'S unlikely....).

P- J-

it's off label use, and one of the cardiologists here uses it for interventional cardiology, but we've had a higher incidence of coagulopathy issues since he has begun this practice

Specializes in ER/IMCU/CCU.
Is anyone giving Lovenox IV, we have just had an MD order it and have not given it by this route and the MD could not give us much evidence other than other hospitals are giving it IV as a bolus when starting anticoagulant therapy. Thanks :)

I had to give Lovenox IV lately in stab room in a case of acute coronary syndrome. I found litterature for that specific case.

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