Published Aug 14, 2005
kellyo, LPN
333 Posts
I'm about to start my 2nd year of an ADN program tomorrow, and I'm so glad that there is not a "First year in Nursing" forum. I feel caught in between being a student and letting my mind wander to my first year of nursing and wondering what it will be like. I've learned so much from all of the new nurses and can't wait to post as a new RN next year!
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
Glad that you like it. :)
17 Articles; 45,835 Posts
:balloons: Good luck and we can't wait either!! :balloons:
185 Posts
I'm about to start my 2nd year of an ADN program tomorrow, and I'm so glad that there is now a "First year in Nursing" forum. I feel caught in between being a student and letting my mind wander to my first year of nursing and wondering what it will be like. I've learned so much from all of the new nurses and can't wait to post as a new RN next year!
Same here. I can't stop wondering what is will be like. I have become addicted to this forum! With 9 months left of my ADN program, I am nervous, scared, and excited all at the same time at the thought of being a real nurse. This forum is great and I would like to thank all of the first year RNs and others that take time to come here and answer our questions and give us advice and information. MAYBE someday I will be were you all are now and I, too, can give something back and help support other students that are where I am now. That will be a happy day!!!!:balloons: Thank you, Thank you!