Los medanos nursing program alternate list


Anyone else out there that is on the alternate list for the nursing program at LMC for 2017?!?! I took the TEAS & passed almost 2 weeks ago and still no call :( wondering if other students have started to receive them because I'm # 6 out of 21 students on the list!!!!

Hey! I am also on the alternate list, I havent heard anything. I called a week ago and inquired about it and they told me that space is dependent on others who were accepted declining their space which no one has so they dont foresee calling us this year....

Hey! I am also on the alternate list, I havent heard anything. I called a week ago and inquired about it and they told me that space is dependent on others who were accepted declining their space which no one has so they dont foresee calling us this year....

Oh wow, that's frustrating. So they're pretty much telling us to move on?

Also, every year they accept about 10 lvns.. so I'm confused to why they only accepted 4?! And other years they end up getting grants to get more added. So I'm praying that's the case this year. What # are you on the alternate list? They told me they called one student on the alternate list since 1 of the accepted failed the TEAS test

So when i called them I mentioned that i noticed they had 11 spots open online. It was explained to me that they used more then half of that number to accept back students who applied last year but failed so they were able to go into remediation and start this year and they had held those spots for them. Thats why they only took 4 off the alternate list. I also asked about the additional grants and they told me that the grants had already been used up and there would be no additional coming through that what I saw is al it is this year. It's discouraging but they were pretty blunt about it with me anyways.

Atleast they were being honest. The spots online went from 42 to 38 for the3rd semester. So wait, they took 4 from the alternate list or just total 4 lvns? I'm just bummed because I didn't apply anywhere else since this was the only school nearby. I'm now debating going into unitek and just getting it over withí ½í¸©

Sorry I miswrote that, not 4 from the alternate just 3 in general. I had a few workmates who said they spoke to the counselor who said they usually take people first time they apply but it seems its gotten very impacted. I applied to other schools but apparently its been a bad year because SF only took 1, San Mateo only took 2 and cabot didn't even open up because they were too impacted from years passed. I looked into united but they want about 50 something thousand and then started asking me to redo my english and math even though i got an a in them for another almost 10 thousand so i said forget it. I'm just going to reapply next year but yes its disappointing I'm very sorry.

Oh wow that's insane. My friend that works at lmc said they're not doing lottery starting next year and that it'll be point system. This was my 2nd year applying and I'm not sure if I can wait for another year. I'm also considering university of Phoenix since it's a BSN and it will allow me to work while going to school. Tuition is just a joke with the private schools :(

Yes they mentioned that in the nursing handbook I think thats much more fair then this but we will see. Every other post from the last few years said they took most of the alternates which I dont understand what happened this year. Were you on the alternate list last year you applied as well?

Yes, last year I was somewhere in the middle and they accepted 12 lvns total. Few of my friends got accepted in the last 3 years.. every time there were 10+. This time I was #6 so I felt pretty confident... but still no luck. Everyone is telling me to be patient and saying you never know, they can call few days before the program starts but I've kinda lost all hope..

I'm number 11 and number 6 at san mateo and #4 at cabrillo and i've called all schools and theyve all told me not this year haha but yes you never know. It's just hard to put your life on hold till what is it? mid august?

And how late did they call your friends? August?

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