Published Dec 7, 2003
38 Posts
Hi I am trying to move to Florida from Toronto in the summer 2004 but I am so overwhelmed by all that has to be done. I am looking for someone who can help guide me through it it would be helpful also if anyone who has moved has a family as I do and am trying to find ways that my husband might get a job too. Is it also true that by June 2004 all Canadian RN will have to take the NCLEX too?
706 Posts
Did you go to the Florida forum...a couple of the threads deal with relocating to Florida...I personally have posted some information on some of the bigger cities...good luck?
89 Posts
yes as of july you need to have a visa screen to get a TN visa. a staff position at a hospital might be helpful for you in terms of getting all the paper work done. OR you can do a travel assignment and get your TN visa before july.. MAYBE that way you can aviod the CGFNS and its visa screen process until next yr. good luck. :)
teeituptom, BSN, RN
4,283 Posts
Just make sure you have your golf clubs ready and take your sunscreen. When I lived in fla, those snow birds would come down and get terrible sunburns.
Binoculars are nice in fla also
6 Posts
Hi there, just wondering if you still need help moving to Florida?
Hi I am still trying to go. I have started to prepare to take my NCLEX which I hope to do in May.
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
Don't forget about the Visa Screen Certificate. It is needed by all nurses under the NAFTA agreement or green card. Website is
Go to the list of programs and go to almost the bottom of the list and download the Visa Screen for NAFTA applicants.
Good luck.................. :balloons:
Hi Monie,
Have you been able to procure a position in Florida yet? Where are you going to take the NCLEX?