Long Beach Memorial Anyone?????


Specializes in Emergency/Trauma.

Hello there,

Just wanted to know if there is anyone out there currently working for or who has worked at Long Beach memorial.....I went and had a tour of the ED last week and met with one of the managers who said they had no positions initially and a few days later called me back for an interview. I am a new grad so their ED training program sounds really nice, just wondering if anyone can give me a heads up or a little insight into the facility.



I live & work in San Diego. I graduated from Excelsior College, (Formerly Regents College), & I did my CPNE at Long Beach Memorial. I Liked the Hospital. It seemed like a nice place to work. I know a former student that I took a workshop with and she works there. She seems to like it. While I was there, they had a Very Nice Cafe inside the Hospital that served Good Food. If I was in Long Beach, I would probably apply there too. Hope this is helpful.

Specializes in Emergency/Trauma.

Thanks for the reply. I went on the interview today - and well, I got it! I just have to wait for them to give me my official start date.

Only thing I'm wondering now is about 2 year contract......that seems like quite a LONG time - the mgr told me it was mandatory to sign for any "specialty training" like for the ER.

I wonder if there is any way out of that contract if say I don't like it or who knows....I move??? Anyone know anything about these contracts?

How restrictive are they? I guess I should ask HR, but I didn't want to ask the mgr right then as she's interviewing me......

I will be starting at the ER at Saddleback Memorial Laguna Hills on June 11th. Part of the Memorial Care hospitals. I am also very excited to start, seems like a really good hospital. By the way, what salary are they starting you off at Long Beach Memorial.

Specializes in Emergency/Trauma.

They start new grads off at $28.44. Do you also have to sign a 2-year contract? They gave me my official start date May 7th, I still have to get ACLS and PALS what about you?

Hi Tabymac-

I was offered $28.50 at Saddleback Memorial in the ED. And I do need to complete ACLS and PALS. I am trying to see if I can take it at the hospital, so it would be free. I also need an EKG/dysrhythmia class and TNCC. I hope they let me start without them and take them there. Those certs are expensive to take on your own and pay for them yourself. Especially as a student.

I had to sign on for two years also because of the training program. I am getting $3500 sign on bonus, first $1500 after 12 months, the other $2000 at the completion of 24 months. Honestly I think thats sad but I here that the new grad nurses

are well prepared at the Memorial care hospitals. So good luck to you.

I have also recieved other offers in Southern Cali that offered $10K sign on bonus for 2 years but I totally did not like the hospital at all.

Good luck to you-


By the way...I dont start at Saddleback until June 11th. You are starting pretty early, May 7th. When did you graduate? I dont get out until May 11th. Did you get your IP already?

Specializes in Emergency/Trauma.

Actually I am starting late.....I graduated in December and got my RN license in February....I decided to take some time off before I started working.

Seems like at LBMMC they are trying to reduce the number of travelers they are using, so they informed the ED mgr she could hire ASAP aside from thier normal "new grad" training program dates. I think there are about 4 other people starting with me.

I am surprised though, LBMMC is not offering the sign-on bonuses they are offering at Saddleback, yet they're still asking for a 2-year commitment hmmmmm......I am going to have to see if I can negotiate with them.....

Specializes in med-surg.

I also got hired at Long Beach Memorial Medical Center recently and i am working on their Adult MEdical Diabetes Unit. Im also a new grad and just took my nclex-rn for the first time and luckily passed.They called me,got interviewed and finally got the position. I just started on March 30th this year.

I think its a good stepping stone for new grads because you'll definitely get alotta exposure with different cases since LBMMC is the second largest privately owned medical center in the whole westcoast, and its part of the TOP 1% of BEST PERFORMING MEDICAL CENTERS IN THE WHOLE US.. so being affiliated with them would do you good if ever you plan to apply in other med centers.

On my first night at work I already learned alot in my ward like using and troubleshooting the infusion pump, using the Pixis Medication Distributin System, using SAM for charting, using PICC lines,using Bi-Pap >>

I'm liking every second at work since this is the first time I've actually encountered these things( in real life,coz i only see this in med books) since im a foreign grad and by the time my orientation schedule for learning SAM and PIxis would come,I am confident that I already know much of the things i need to know because of my early hand's on duty.

ANd so, eitherway working there would be a win-win situation for new grads.. nevermind the low starting rate :trout:.. All the rates in memorial care hospitals would be the same since they have a Union for nurses. Whats important is that we started our career in one of teh best medical centers in the country. Some new grads would just die to be able to work in a big hospital,some even end up working in a convalescent or assisted living facilities so i guess we're lucky tabymac.


Specializes in Emergency/Trauma.

Thanks so much for your reply Pinoy.

It is true the hospital sounds great and it seems like a very nice atmosphere, it's close to home, and I really like the mgr. But I have also researched several other OC/LA hospitals and this is the only one that is forcing the whole contract issue (so far) - and 2 years at that!....

I'm just not sure i want to sign 2-years of my life away! Everytime i talk to them they really make a big deal about the 2-year committment etc and I really want to ask them why is it such an issue for them...is it because they really need to take protective measures to retain staff? If so, why is staff leaving more frequently than 2-years?

I can understand if it was like "tsheriff" that is getting a sign-on bonus -they are ensuring that she stays the 2 years by giving the bonus after completing their predetermined amounts of time.

Question......Did you read the fine print on the contract you both signed? signed? I'm just wondering if there is some type of penalty or something if later you want to get out of the contract - cuz for me there are tons of things that can come up in life - pregnancy/kids, move/relocation, burn-out, or simply I don't like the dept or the hospital, etc....you know?

Did it seem like there was no way out of the contract or did they mention any penalty or if you can get out of it?

I am unsure about that tabymac.

It was pressed upon me that I needed to stay at least 1 yr after training because the new grad ED training is 6 months. However I didnt have to sign and say I would. however I was offered $3500 sign-on bonus like I mentioned above or $4000 loan forgiveness. I will not be signing my contract until May because the background checks have to be completed less than 30 days prior to the start date.

Personally, I believe Long Beach Memorial is a great career choice for you to start out. I have been on many interviews, and the Memorial Care systems by far have one of the better new grad programs. We get 6 months training. Many of the other hospitals I interviewed with, give you 2 days hospital orientation then send you onto the floor to learn from your preceptor and I didnt feel that is safe nor adequate.

I have looked at some of the training material and met with the clinical nurse educator in the department I will be working and it seems very structured and they are pro-education and implement evidence-based practice into the care.

I believe we will be getting some of the top choice training material for new grads out there and I am sure you will not regret the two year commitment.

If I wasnt offered any sign-on bonus, I still would have accepted the position and wanted to work at a Memorial Care facility. Tabymac, have faith that you made a good choice because you did.


Specializes in med-surg.

Im not sure as well with that 2 year contract. My new grad on-the-floor orientation in the unit is only 6 weeks with a preceptor and after that i would be on my own. The 6 weeks orientation also cover skills lab, using SAM, RN orientation,etc. After 6 weeks, youll be on your own. and you would be under probation for 3 months. If i would be granted a permanent position in my unit after my 90 day probation, i would not hesistate to sign a 2 year contract with them. BEfore making any commitments with any hospital,make sure you'll like the department you'll be working at.

2 Years may sound long but you would not even notice that 2 years flew by if youre liking your job. after that 2 years and say you decided to look for another hospital, just being affiliated to any memorial care facility especially LBMMC is already something taht would make your resume more appealing to your next employer.

I know i made a wise decision choosing them over st.francis medical center. Because Im loving every second of my work there. I work 12 hrs nights Fulltime which consumes 3 days of my week. How i wish i could work there 6 days a week..

It weird though because i didnt hear that they give sign-on bonuses there. But since they are unionized, i guess i'll also get a sign-on bonus regardless of which area you got hired. ED seems ok.

tsheriff :welcome: to LBMMC!!!!

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