Lone Star College 2020 LVN to RN transition

Nursing Students LPN-RN


Since 2019 transition passed, I wanted to start one for next period. I am taking Pharmacology at NH for Thurs from 11am-2pm. Anyone in the past transition program and want to share some information, please do! Anyone applying for next summer, Hello!! ?

Thank you! My school paid for the Hurst. So far all of my classmates have passed the NCLEX with using it. I'm just hoping my HESI is competitive. LOL I actually was more anxious on that than this NCLEX.

Specializes in Urgent Care.

Yeah, Hurst is a great review; my classmates and I used it as well. I still look at the review book from time to time. I’m sure you’ll do well because of it.

I was very nervous about the HESI too. It was nerve racking LOL. Do you know what your overall score is yet for the application?

7.456 is my overall. 880 critical thinking. It's OK, but I wish I did a little better. Kingwood had scores like 7.8 7.9. Their lowest the took was 7.5 last year.

Specializes in ER.
On 3/6/2020 at 3:21 PM, lovetosmile said:

Hi Everyone,?

Hi Jocelyn, Simply, and Howdy! ?

It is so amazing how it is applications time!! I really hope we all get into our choice program and campus.

As for updates: I passed the HESI A2 on 03/4 at Cypress. The Critical Thinking score was 940 and the HESI average was 92%. I made mistakes on the Reading Comprehension. My Total Points is 7.68 and I submitted my applications for the Transition Program already. My first choice is North Harris (40 mins drive) and then Kingwood (47 mins drive). Currently I am taking Microbiology and Anatomy Physiology II.

Howdy, can you give some insight into how to do well in the program and juggle working? Also, could you tell us about your class schedule? What can we expect coming into June? I have more questions.... but for now, this is what is on my mind. Thanks for coming back to check on the next cohort! ?

Hey there! Sorry for the late reply. Somehow my notifications got turned off for this thread. I actually just got back from Spring Break vacation and we have less than 2 months til our pinning so time is really flying.

I first want to say to you and everyone else- take a deep breath and RELAX! I know how nerve racking and stressful it can be. You can do this. Thousands upon thousands of students have come and gone before you and many less qualified have survived it, so you can do it! It's not an impossible mountain to climb, I promise. Once you're in it and through it, you will see.

To address your specific questions, first of all, your score is great. Absolutely fantastic and you should have no trouble getting into any campus with a 7.68. I got into KW in 2016 with a 7.74 and NH in 2019 with a 7.71, so you're in. CONGRATS ? And for what it's worth, I think you made a good choice choosing NH. As I mentioned before, I was in the KW program back in 2016 and got out after the 1st semester. I had some family issues that caused some conflicts with one of my tests and approached the staff there to try and work it out, was literally told "maybe this just isn't your time" and was shown the door. Aside from that, the professors were very impersonal, the content was scattered, and the overall organization of the program was lacking. I know they have made major changes at that campus since then, including the termination of the program director, but you honestly could not pay me to go back there. I will say that the healthcare adviser at KW campus is AMAZING! Dr. Her__rd is her name (allnurses doesn't like us to post full names) and she is the most helpful LSC employee I have ever encountered. I have sent countless people to her and all have raved about her. Also, be aware that that program is in the evening and during Summer, you will have 2 class days as well as 2 clinical days, as opposed to NH where you are there earlier in the day with 2 class days and only 1 clinical day throughout the entire program.

Our class schedule has been excellent. We are in class 2 days a week from 11am to 1:20pm, and right now it's Mondays and Tuesdays. These days may change between class cohorts or semesters, but they will not change week to week. Your clinical day can be any other day of the week, including weekends but similarly will remain the same for the entirety of the semester. I have Wednesday clinicals, so I work 3 12s every week Thursday-Saturday. Our tests are every other Monday, so I always, ALWAYS leave Sunday open to study the day before the test. The best balance I have found thus far is my class days I only devote to class, and my work days I only devote to work. Even though I'm out of class by 1:30, I come home and review my lecture recording and start making notes from the power points and book according to what is on our outline. If you do that every day after class, by the time you get to the Sunday before a test, all you have to do is review and do some practice questions. I will honestly and openly admit that I do not apply myself NEARLY as much as I should and am very guilty of cramming. I'm above average as far as smarts go and I easily manage a B average in class and an A in clinical. With proper effort I could have an A, but I like to maintain a social life as well so...pick your battles ? One thing I cannot stress enough though is do not procrastinate! Just DO...NOT...DO...IT..! I have, do and will likely continue to do so in the future and it makes your life exponentially more difficult in nursing school. After you get home from lecture, do not wait. Get home, sit down, listen to your lecture again and start making notes right then and there. Trust me...you will thank me later. As far as work goes, working 12 hour shifts in a busy ER leaves me gassed on work days so I don't even look at school stuff Th-Sat. I tried that for the first 2 weeks of the first semester and realized quickly just how futile it was. I am not married and do not have children to devote any time to, so your mileage may vary there.

I would highly suggest getting a job that allows you to work 3 12s, or to pick PRN days if you're doing 8s or 10s. I know a lot of the nursing home schedules are 8s and are different week to week. Unless your scheduler is understanding, you're going to have a hard time working 5 days a week. A very hard time. I have personally known someone that has dropped out because they tried to maintain that type of schedule and couldn't give up their job to continue the program. I know a few other guys that have picked up jobs at the jail making 30+ an hour as LVNs and they basically pick their own days and they are coasting through both.

Be prepared at the beginning of each semester for your schedule to suck. The first week to 10 days are going to be thrown together and not similar to the rest of the semester. It's just introduction stuff. They will try to cram too much into one day and leave other days wide open, so you may end up with school related commitments for the entire first week of the program. Let your bosses know now! You may not be available that whole first week.

Also, be prepared for weekend clinicals or for driving a longer-than-desired distance for your hospital. It is getting harder and harder for ADN programs to maintain enough spots at hospitals to sustain their programs so they are having to extend the distance that they look for sites. Hospitals are limiting ADN student spots in favor of spots for BSN students who they are hoping to pick up after graduation. We have students who live in Huntsville who were assigned to Katy and Sugarland. That is a potential 2 hour drive one way. It isn't common, but it can and does happen. Luckily, they allow students to switch so you may be able to find something closer to home or on a more desirable day if someone else is willing to swap.

Hope that covers all the bases you were concerned with. Sorry again for the late reply..! Again.. if you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask. Also, try to hook up on facebook with your classmates. I'm almost positive there is already a facebook group for your class. Our class has one and it has been a great resource. If I can find your facebook group I will post on there to open myself up to anymore questions you all may have.

Also...our pinning is Thursday May 7th. You are all welcome to come to scream and shout for us. I went to my cousins the year before and I can guarantee you, seeing them up on stage and knowing I was only a year away from it put a fire in my belly. Just sayin... ?

I have a 7.72. But they say every year the score goes up as far as the minimum they let it. They are only accepting 40 so I hope I get in because this corona virus is preventing me from applying to other schools ?

Specializes in ER.
21 hours ago, Jazzmynn Scarbrough said:

I have a 7.72. But they say every year the score goes up as far as the minimum they let it. They are only accepting 40 so I hope I get in because this corona virus is preventing me from applying to other schools ?

7.72 is a very, very competitive score. In the years I have been following this school and it's application process, I have only spoken to a handful of people who have scored into the 7.8 range. I have also been hearing for the longest that it's "getting more competitive." I was hearing that back when I went to LVN school in 2011. Don't let that discourage you. Your chances are about as high as someone could hope for. You have a great score.

Specializes in LTC.

Hey guys! They moved the deadline to 4/17/2020 @ 4 pm to apply if anyone hasn’t already.

Hello everyone! I submitted my application and now I’m so anxious with this waiting game. I graduated LVN school in August so I’m trying to finish this RN while I’m still in study mode.

What was you rubric score?

Wait... jane?? What's up girl . I hope we both get in ?


I forgot to send update. I passed my NCLEX and it was the last day before they shut Pearson sites down for covid. Best of luck to everyone!

So how soon do you think we will hear back from them

I would give it a month.. Maybe by May 17th.

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