Loma Linda Peds RN Residency Summer 2014

U.S.A. California


Who applied?! Has anyone heard back!? Let's keep eachother informed! I applied for the intermediate ICU. Fingers crossed!

Did anyone else hear back?

Applied for Nicu as well and nothing yet

No news on my end….

Has anyone heard anything??

I got a rejection email today around 430 pm, I applied for hem/onc units. Good luck to you guys!!

got my rejection email. but, hey got a job in Boston. good luck to you guys!

I applied for hem/onc and just received an email today that my app/resume was forwarded. I don't have a BSN but I do have a non-nursing bachelors. Best of luck to all of us !!

Congrats cnursetobe!!! That is exciting!!

Good luck jandj!

Just received an email saying my application has been forwarded to the appropriate manager! :)

I also applied to NICU & received an email that my application was forwarded to the appropriate manager. When I spoke with a recruiter they said it will take at least 3 weeks to go through all the applications, which means this week or longer. Don't get discouraged yet, it's still early :) Good luck to everyone who applied!

Got my rejection this morning

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