Loma Linda Peds RN Residency Summer 2014

U.S.A. California


Who applied?! Has anyone heard back!? Let's keep eachother informed! I applied for the intermediate ICU. Fingers crossed!

Wow rejections notices going out already ...eek !! If our app was forwarded, does that mean we made the first cut ? Then the nurse mngr now decides who she wants to interview ?

jandj, yes that is usually what that means! :) good luck

Hey guys! I applied for hem/onc and got an email a few days ago saying my app was forwarded. I just graduated with a BSN and did a pediatric preceptor! I'm hoping I won't get looked over since I don't have a license yet :/ good luck to everyone!!

I just saw this thread. I received a rejection email for NICU a few days ago, which is a bummer. I had a NICU preceptorship.

Has anyone heard anything since the applications have been forwarded to the managers?

Nothing here ....

I also applied to intermediate icu. good luck everyone!

I haven't heard anything either since apps have been forwarded to managers. Waiting is the hardest part!

I haven't heard anything either since apps have been forwarded to managers. Waiting is the hardest part!

Waiting is definitely so hard! I was reading one of the Residency threads from a few years ago and they were saying that their call backs didn't come until right before memorial day and interviews weren't until June! Hopefully that helps ease some minds :)

I'm finishing up the peds residency in the NICU ...be patient ... It takes a few weeks and I know they r reviewing apps now.... Not sure how many they r taking for nicu but my cohort they took 7 .... Good luck everyone this is the best place to work!

Thanks for the insight!! Glad you got to experience such a wonderful place :)

I'm going crazy waiting! Has anyone heard anything?

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