Published Mar 21, 2007
4 Posts
hi, im going to be starting at lna health careers in may to get my lna license. i was just wondering if anyone has worked in a hospital as an lna and what they had to do during their shift and the job description opposed to working at a nursing home. also how much of a salary i could be expecting after starting somewhere. any feedback would be very helpful!
thank you!:)
474 Posts
Hello! I'm also starting an LNA course this summer...but I'm doing it through the Red Cross. Two of my closest friends are both LNA's who work in nursing homes...and they make about $11-$12 an hour. I'm not sure how the pay differs in a hospital, though.
57 Posts
I have a few friends that work as LNA's in hospitals, and they typically make around $13-15 an hour. However they also have more experience, so are paid more anyway, as most hospitals dont usually hire LNA's who dont have at least a few years behind them. hospital positions are usually pretty competitive anyway (where i live)
9 Posts
I got a hosp. job as soon as I finished LNA Health Careers last year(april 06). I also got a per-diem nursing home job(I still have both now). Hosp. pays $10 hr+ $2.50 shift diff. (12hr day shift). Nursing home for 3pm-11pm weekend shifts pays $20 hr.($16 base plus $4 shift diff.). The hosp. job is way cooler, learn lots and the atmosphere is far more varried. Nursing home pays better but all we do is feed, toilet, and bath.
kukukajoo, LPN
1,310 Posts
Don't foget that the state will reimburse you for your LNA classes once you start working. See the top of the NH thread as it was made a sticky and has the link.
Hope you do well in the LNA classes!
16 Posts
Lexgarmom, which nursing home do you work at? I live on the NH Seacoast and I'm starting my LNA course with Med Pro tomorrow in Dover. I'm really excited! I'd like to work in a nursing home after I finish my course so the state can reimburse me, but I'm not sure exactly which one. I've heard lots of good things about the Rockingham County nursing home in Brentwood. Thanks!
1 Post
I worked as an LNA at a hospital in Nashua and I learned a lot of great skills. I worked on a telemetry floor that was crazy busy and I was responsible for assisting nurses with patient care (limited, compared to long term care), doing blood glucose checks, vital signs, and assistance with admissions and discharges. We also did patient transport for tests, etc. It was a much faster pace than long term care with a lot of variety. I was going to nursing school at the time and I really learned a lot. I started at $12/hour and was there for a year on the day shift.