Updated: Jul 23, 2023 Published Nov 11, 2011
3 Posts
The joys of living under the thumb of NYC/NYS over-governance just never end.
Many online nurse practitioner programs not located in NYS no longer accept applications from nys residents because the NYS Bd of ED has recently decided it must approve any out of state programs offering MSN leading to NP certification.
There are some fine, affordable online FNP programs out there, but NYS BoE figures the money should stay in-state I guess.
Does anyone have a link to a list of online out-of-state programs blessed by NYS?
no one has any info on this?
mod's any idea's?
145 Posts
I came about this issue as well. I was told by a couple of schools I looked into that I could have a clinical placement in VT, MA, or CT if I could find a preceptor. In my eyes, that is not worth it. My current school has a wait list for some classes, basically turning my 2 year MSN into a 3 year MSN. Frustrating, but thats how it is. All the schools say they are "currently working with NY" to establish teh needed contracts but that could take forever. Did you scheck Stony Brook? I know some people that have gone through thier online program and I think it is good.
hi lax ... yes, stoneybrooks online fnp pgm supposedly was a good program, but its been discontinued for lack of funding (god bless nys again). probably permanently I imagine; this is so outrageous, an nyu fnp msn would likely cost about 160,000 plus (based on their cost for an accelerated 1 year BSN), while some of the accredited online FNP's would run about 40,000 or less.
think about what this action by nys is saying btw. Even though the accrediting bodies in the nursing world deem a program worthy, nys thinks it knows better. If you want a laugh at this notion (in case you arent already laughing), google the newspaper accounts of corruption malfeasance misfeasance incompetence and plain laziness and waste in albany (the state capital). This is the same state government that had as its majority leader (or some such leadership position) a person now under federal indictment for medicaid fraud and tax evasion. ok, venting over.
17 Posts
I am having the same trouble here in IL, trying to find an online program that IL approves of. Since I was a former New Yorker in my past life and left to the even more corrupt IL ( where our govs make our license plates) I know how frustrating this is and what a waste of good nurses.
10 Posts
Hi I am also wondering this question because I'm inquiring to a lot of schools online and they tell me they do not offer this program in New York. Is Stonybrook back? Any info on BSN to FNP would be great. I need to do online... Thank you!
205 Posts
If you go to nys dept of ed website there is a list of approved programs. Last I checked the only online programs were Samford and Frontier. Stonybrook had an ANP I believe.
2 Posts
Is it possible to apply for an out of Ny state license, finish a program out of state while a resident of NY, take the national exam and then apply for the NYS license? If you are nationally certified can NY say no you can't practice in NY?
I called Frontier and they did say that they are accepting applicants from NY, however they have a long waiting list to get started.
There are so many other options, but apparently NY doesn't care about nurses and what they want to do. Can't stand this state.
253 Posts
@ jjjcg11, its not possible. I Have a TX license and NY license. I called chamberlain and they said that they would not accept my application because i don't reside in tx. So its all about where u are licensed and where u reside. I hope that makes sense. I will be relocating to TX in nov 2014 i cant stand NYS.
25 Posts
I know that this is an old post but I hope this information helps. I am a Native New Yorker but I know reside in Texas. I still keep up with both my New York & Texas RN License. I have successfully completed my FNP through an online university and now I have passed The National Certification Exam through AANP Boards. Here is a link that was up dated this past July, 2014. Its a lists all the schools including online schools that the State of New York will accept.
They have added quit a bit more since 2011. Hope this helps.
To: jjjcg11 Hope the info below helps!