limiting visitors

Nurses General Nursing


  1. limiting visistors

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Recently I have been set up for trouble by co-workers that have deviated from the unit visitation policy. Visitors do not understand they do not belong everywhere! Ever have this problem? :eek:

Well, with all due respect, maybe it's time to re-examine your unit's policy. And maybe the problems you're having would provide a perfect segue into discussing them in your next unit meeting.

My unit's experience was that these things were better off decided individually by each nurse, on each shift, for each patient. Given that: pt's emotional needs and physical condition can change from minute to minute; and that most patients do better with support from a loved one, it made sense to us to keep things open-ended.

Of course, you still have to set some limits--you can only fit so many visitors in a room, and noise/disturbing other pts can become an issue. But my experience has been that if you consistently try to accommodate families as much as the pt's condition and schedule allow, they accept what limits are placed on them very gracefully.

Specializes in ER.

We have had pt's family members set up camp in a semiprivate room, and refuse to leave because the "DR. told me I could"

This doc has been spoken too multiple times and continues to do it, but my question- how do you get the family to leave without calling security and dragging them out bodily. Of course they are welcome in a private room, but with the equipment in a semi, lack of space for emergencies or basic care, and the awkwardness for the roommate dealing with someone of the opposite sex in the room, let alone confidentiality....

They don't seem to realize that the doc doesn't get to make that decision(!), it's a nursing floor and we are in charge!!!

i just had to explain the whole doc vs hospital policy thing last night to a family member. she was cool about it. i dont limit visitors unless they are interfering with care or disturbing other patients, unless the patient is distressed by the number of visitors or the length of the visit. if it benefits the patient i dont mind. some of my coworkers dont always appreciate my philosophy tho.

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

I too think it depends on pt condition, size of room, etc. In the ER where I work, visitors are limited to 2/pt, but it is constantly violated. I don't mind, unless I'm climbing over visitors to reset vents, give meds, do CPR, etc..

Specializes in LTC,Hospice/palliative care,acute care.

Sounds like you have a few issues.Let's look at your pt's and their visitor's first.I believe that you are the one whom knows your pts and can best make the determination regarding the appropriate number of visitors at the appropriate time to keep unit disruption to a minimum.Are you more or less lenient then your co-workers'? Do you have a problem being assertive when you need to be? The second issue-You stated that you feel as though you are being "set up" Why is that ? Are you an inexperienced nurse or are you new to this unit ? Are you having problems fitting in? It takes anyone some time to build good working relationships-but don't be a patsy.

Unless your pt's rooms regularly have parties of 10 or more with a d.j.-then you need to think about what your co-worker's are saying to you and admit that you may be wrong......PS-I detest when a co-worker gives a direct contradiction of a statement or an order I make to a visitor,pt or nursing assistant-have the grace to pull me aside and tell me I am having brain farts...Do it in public around the crowd at the desk and I will pull you into the break room for a little chat....after I admit I was wrong,of course(lol)

In our general med-surg area the visiting hours are pretty free and lenient. It can get real sticky sometimes when you have a large family to deal with. I don't usually get to worked up over visitors, but I have asked them to step out of the room while I do stuff. Most of them are pretty gracious about it, but some of them can be pretty darn nasty. We have a large Amish population in our area, and they believe in visiting en masse. I even had one family one day that I had to get out of the room and restrict the number of visitors. They were terribly upseting my patient. Well the son went and called the physician and told him that the nurses were taking over on our floor. Best laugh I had in a long time. Fortunately, the doctor backed me up. Visitors can be a great help, but they can be a great hindrance.

I violate our visiting policy all thie time. We have set times inour unit. I explain that I will allow visitors as long as the unit is quiet, they do not get in the way and the patient is stable. I also tell my visitors that not all the nurses are like me and each one can handle visitors differently. Some are ok with that and some repeatedly sneak 3x the amount of visitors innn. AT that point i gently remind them that visiting is a privilege and if they want it to continue they must respect the nurses judgment and when it is time to go , it is time to go.

Good luck with your poll.


In the ICU where I work, visiting is suppose to be family only, 2 people at a time. It always amazes me, how many people think that those rules don't apply to them. There is a big difference in what is best for the patient and what is best for the family. Families don't seem to see the whole picture of what happens to a patient who has just had major heart surgery or is on the ventilator when many people come to see these patients. It takes a lot of energy to visit and respond to people when you are ill. Do people who lie about who they are so they can come into the ICU really think that a critically ill patient wants to see them or are they just satifying a need of their own. As a patient advocate I try to do what is best for my patient first and fit the family in second. Not always an easy task.

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