Licensure in Florida after Excelsior


Specializes in Emergency.

I am a Paramedic looking into doing the transition into Nursing. I was looking into possibly doing Excelsior College online, however have heard that Florida does not accept Excelsior. Any person who graduated from Excelsior and sat for Florida's NCLEX, I would like to hear from you about the whole experience. If Florida does not accept Excelsior, how did you get around this hurdle.

I am a Paramedic looking into doing the transition into Nursing. I was looking into possibly doing Excelsior College online, however have heard that Florida does not accept Excelsior. Any person who graduated from Excelsior and sat for Florida's NCLEX, I would like to hear from you about the whole experience. If Florida does not accept Excelsior, how did you get around this hurdle.

There was an issue, back in the early 90s but it was soon put to rest. As far as I know, Florida still accepts Excelsior graduates.


Florida resident

Specializes in Med/Surg, Tele, Peds, LDRP.

I suggest you directly contact the FL BON b/c it is better to find out things for yourself than take someones word who may or may not know the real deal. I think I read here somewhere that FL BON recognized the degree for LPNs only, but dont quote me on it. let us know what u find out! :)

Specializes in Peds stepdown ICU.
I am a Paramedic looking into doing the transition into Nursing. I was looking into possibly doing Excelsior College online, however have heard that Florida does not accept Excelsior. Any person who graduated from Excelsior and sat for Florida's NCLEX, I would like to hear from you about the whole experience. If Florida does not accept Excelsior, how did you get around this hurdle.

I graduated from Excelsior and took my NCLEX in May of this year. I have recently relocated to California. Florida does accept Excelsior but you must be an LPN in good standing licensed in the state of Florida. They do not accept Excelsior if you transition using credentials other than Practical nursing. I personally think you may be better off using a traditional route to obtain your RN.... then you won't have restricted pratice in states that require LPN licensure first...and there are a few other states out there that do thislike Louisianna (not sure of the others).


Q: Can I apply for a nursing license in Florida if I graduated from Regents (Excelsior) College?

A: Licensed Practical Nurses who had integrated clinical and theory in their practical nursing program, and subsequently graduated from Regents (Excelsior) College, may apply for licensure in Florida. Non-LPN's may apply only if they were enrolled in the Regents (Excelsior) College program on or before August 10, 1994.

This is straight from the FL Board of Nursing website.

Specializes in Emergency.

Excelsior stated that I could take South Carolina's NCLEX after graduating then endorse into Florida. I called the FL BON and they bounced me around to everybody in that office and nobody had an answer for me. I wanted to hear from somebody that has done excelsior and did the "back door" way of getting licened in Florida. I want to make sure this is possible before I spend any money. Better yet does anybody know if I could challenge the Florida LPN test so I don't have this problem?

I know of at least one frequent poster here who took the exam in another state (MN, I think) and endorsed in. Hopefully he'll see this message and might be able to give you some feedback.

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