licensed in 2 states.. pls help


Specializes in OB, Peds, Med Surg and Geriatric Nsg.

Hey all!

I applied thru VT BON for my NCLEX and passed last November 2009, after that I had my license endorsed to PA BON to be able to work in the state of PA. Now my question is, does that mean that I'm licensed in both states? If yes, upon license renewal, do I have an option to renew only 1 license or do I have to renew both licenses? I don't plan on moving to VT at all and I would only like to keep my PA license. Would this be possible..?

Comments are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

you don't have to keep the VT license. Renew only the PA one if that is where you will be working.

Which State(s) do you actually hold a license in? You can keep whatever license you want and discard the rest.

Specializes in OB, Peds, Med Surg and Geriatric Nsg.

Ah, I see.. Thank you very much for the info Asystole RN and firefighterRN!

Put your VT license on inactive status ( you don't have to pay for license nor do CEU's either until you activate it again) and keep your PA one. That's what I did with 2 states, that way you can go back to the VT one if you want too in the future and not have to reapply.

I also suggest putting any "extra" licenses on inactive status unless you are very, very certain that you will never need them in the future.

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