Published Jul 27, 2007
2 Posts
Hi everyone!
I'm curious about something. I recently graduated from an accredited nursing school in New Jersey and they require that I take an exit exam (HESI) before I can take the NCLEX. Since I want to work in New York I am thinking about not taking the HESI from my school and just taking the NCLEX in New York. Now my question is when I pass the NCLEX in New York will it be difficult for me to get a License by Endorsement (reciprocity) from New Jersey since I didn't take the HESI exam from my school?
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,418 Posts
Welcome to Allnurses. I hope you stick around and I wish you luck in your studies.
I'm doubtful that New Jersey is the one requiring HESI.
HESI are exit exams required by the certain schools and you probalby do not have the option of whether you take it or not.
All states require NCLEX. As far as I know there aren't states that require HESI and the NCLEX too. NCLEX is good enough.
First check with your school and make sure you're understanding correctly that HESI is optional if you're going to leave the state. I'm in Florida, so I'm not 100% sure, but I do know here that one of the schools requires passing HESI before they graduate. It's a school requirement, perhaps an NLN thing, but not a Florida requirement.
Good luck to you.
Hey Tweety
Thanks for responding!
I'm pretty sure that my school requires I take the HESI before I can take the NCLEX. I have my nursing degree so I didn't need HESI to graduate. But I do need to pass it in order to be allowed to take the NCLEX. It's weird because I can take the NCLEX in NY. I'm just afraid that when I do get the license in NY it will be harder for me to get a license in NJ.
Thanks for your help!
Sounds strange that a school would let you graduate without knowing if you can pass HESI or not.
The best place for your question probably would be the BON of the two states. The "Links" in the top right corner will help you find them. Most of the time states giving reciprocity (and they all do) look at the RN license as the main requirement.
Good luck.
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
To clear up a few things for you. Licenses do not have reciprocity, you can only endorse to a new state and you must meet all of their educational requirements.
The NCLEX exam has reciprocity meaning that its result is valid in all 50 states and US territories.
Now to your question about the HESI: If your school requires it, then you must complete it. The big issue which I am sure that you have not thought of is that your school needs to submit your transcripts to any Board of Nursing before you will be given permission to sit for the NCLEX exam, and if you do not meet their requirements, then they do not do anything further for you.
And as Tweety mentioned above, it is not a state BON requirement, but the actual school requirement. And you must meet their requirement. You do not have a choice in the matter. And to endorse to the other state, that still requires your transcripts, the actual Diploma does not mean a thing to the BON, it is the transcripts. And without those, you will not be working anywhere in the US.
10 Articles; 18,928 Posts
Suzanne is correct.
If a school requires students to pass HESI test as part of graduation requirements along with having a passsing grade in all courses it requires, then you have not met all requirements for graduation by not taking HESI exam.
Your transcripts will be incomplete and will not reflect that you graduated from a nursing program. In most states, not graduating from nursing program will prevent one from being given permission to test (ATT) and take NCLEX exam, as you have not met requirement of graduating from nursing program.
Both NY and NJ BON require graduation from nursing program along with passing NCLEX exam in order to obtain licensure.
NJ requires passage criminal background check too.
Bite the bullet, take the HESI exam and pass. Then can procede to get ATT to take NCLEX exam and pass.
Graduate from state approved US nursing school + NCLEX passage able to endorse license to most states in US.
23 Posts
hi... i had just passed my nclex-pn from nj and I'm looking to transfer (I realize that I'm not using the right term) my license from nj to ny. what form do I need to fill out in order to start the process? I had called the ny nursing board and they were less than helpful so I'm hoping to get my answer from you. I would really like your help in this matter. thank you so much for taking the time to read this.
-New LPN :redpinkhe
1,547 Posts
i have my nursing degree so i didn't need hesi to graduate.
what did you mean when you said the above statement? they gave you your diploma/degree without passing hesi? if so, that would mean passing hesi is only optional?
what school in jersey did you graduate from? charles e? i have a friend who goes there and she said passing hesi is a must.
how do you know you can take the nclex in ny? where did you get your info?
if i were you, i would call the school and clarify this hesi thing.
hi... i had just passed my nclex-pn from nj and i'm looking to transfer (i realize that i'm not using the right term) my license from nj to ny. what form do i need to fill out in order to start the process? i had called the ny nursing board and they were less than helpful so i'm hoping to get my answer from you. i would really like your help in this matter. thank you so much for taking the time to read this. -new lpn :redpinkhe
-new lpn :redpinkhe
congratulations on passing your nclex.
here's the link for all the info and forms for endorsing your license to ny:
thank you soo much.
I fill out all 3 forms right?
19 Posts
Anyone who doesnt want to take the Hesi test is scared to fail. If you cant even pass Hesi what makes you think you're going to pass the Nclex!!!
I took the Hesi first time around and pass the Nclex in an hour of taking it.. Take the Hesi, its a good review.