Liar liar pants on fire


Specializes in Gerontology, Med surg, Home Health.

I interviewed for a position as a DON in a medium sized facility. I was told that I'd be on call every 5 weeks and might on occasion have to come in and take the med cart for 'maybe 2 hours.' So I took the job. Today, my 3rd day, I was told I would be on call during the week and would be expected to come in if there were a call out....sorry...not on day 3. If I had known the expectation I wouldn't have accepted the job. I have many talents but pushing a med cart is not something I want to do any more.

What would all y'all do? I told them during the interview and again on the phone that it had been years since I did a med pass and am not comfortable doing them. Don't worry they said. It hardly ever happens. The outgoing DON was on the cart at least twice a week for a whole shift and still came in on the weekends.

I am very angry with being lied to. I'm already looking for a new position. Yikes.

When you get a new offer, resign, if not sooner. Assuming you can stand a little time off between jobs, if necessary. Some people are in a position not to have to deal with lies told at the hiring table.

Specializes in Geriatrics, Dialysis.

That kind of BS is exactly why I have zero ambitions to move into management. It's entirely too common. Not only are you expected to cover a med pass way more than you should you also better get all your DON duties done as well. Sheesh! How much do these employers expect one person to be able to accomplish?

I'm sorry to hear you got caught up in that. Hopefully something better opens up for you soon.

Um, No. I'm all for team player and helping out, but this seems excessive. Aren't there other unit managers that could be filling in?

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