Published Apr 16, 2010
73 Posts
I received a letter from Macomb today. Did everyone else get theirs? It states, "Ranking will begin on April 26 for the nursing program." It also listed my GPA rank and Hesi composite score. It's going to be a long couple of weeks of anticipation! Good luck to everyone.
Anne36, LPN
1,361 Posts
Good luck to you shawn. Are you still taking classes right now or are you done?
Hi anne36. Thanks! I am taking classes this semester. Have you applied for the program this fall? Are you in classes also?
187 Posts
My daughter and I both received the same letter today. I thought that the letter could have been written better - the first sentence says "Thank you for your interest in the Nursing Program". I automatically thought the next part would read "Unfortunately....."! It certainly shook me up! lol All this waiting is so stressful!
63 Posts
I hear you!!! This wait time is killing me. Two more weeks is just too much. I feel like our lives are on hold for now....don't you? What gpa and hesi score do you guys have? Maybe we'll all be in nursing school together. Keep us all posted.
Yes!! This waiting is excrutiating! I told my husband to open the letter I got today. Can u imagine what it's going to be like when the actual acceptance letter arrives!
zhockeymom77 - How exciting! You and your daughter may actually be in this together. That is awesome.
214 Posts
Is this everyone's first time applying? I applied last year, and was far away from making it, but I'm hoping with the new system they're using, I'll have a better chance. I'm applying with a 3.7 and an 87 on the HESI.... not very strong scores, but I'm hoping for a miracle! If not, I'm PRETTY sure I'll be accepted to Baker's fall program (also my 2nd time applying there)...
Anyone else want to share their scores? Best of luck to you all!
Laujen, I think you have a chance this time. Good luck. We only have a few more weeks to wait. Seems like forever though.
I'm sooo sick of the waiting game! This is the 3rd waiting game I've played, and I've had enough! I took the HESI in December, so waiting 5 months is a long time! And Baker took about 3 months to find out. I have to re-apply on the 3rd, and then won't find out till August. SO, another 3 months of waiting! Not to mention that receiving 2 denial letters after all that time wasn't the greatest feeling either. I swore to my husband that if things don't work out with MCC or Baker this time around, I'm giving up on nursing, because it's taking WAY too long. I need to get on with my life! What were your scores Shawn? (if you don't mind posting them).
Wow Laujen, you've really put in a lot of time and effort. I hope that you get in this time. I'll bet that you do! I got a 95.57 on the hesi (my macomb letter says 96) and I have a 4.0. I just started back to school last summer. I have been really fortunate to get really good teachers. You know that makes all the difference. Good luck and let me know when you get your acceptance letter.:anpom:
Wow, those are great scores! Congratulations to you for all your hard work, you're obviously going to make it into the program! And you're right, the teacher makes all the difference in the world. My only B in any of my classes (13 pre-reqs at Baker, 7 at MCC) was a B+ in Micro, and of course that's one of the ones they look at for your composite GPA @ MCC. My Micro teacher was one of the worst teachers I've ever had in my life, but there's nothing I can do about it now, except wait around for the letter! Talk to you soon!