Published Dec 1, 2013
hanadi foad
6 Posts
Hello everybody..
i just want your feedback about this question :)
Does every manager need to be a leader?
Pepper The Cat, BSN, RN
1,790 Posts
We won't do your homework.
Tell us what you think first.
i think yes , because as a manager you are going to lead a group , so there for she or he needs to be a leader.
thank you..
ParkerBC,MSN,RN, PhD, RN
886 Posts
This is a good start. The statement is rather broad. How will the manager lead the group? In what areas should a manager lead a group? What are some examples of leadership activities in which the manager should participate? Here is one example to help stimulate ideas:
You are a new manager. Upon accepting your position, you learned that your unit has high turn-over. As a leader, what changes would you implement to reduce turn-over? How do you suppose you will build trust with the staff?
i think yes , because as a manager you are going to lead a group , so there for she or he needs to be a leader.thank you..
Esme12, ASN, BSN, RN
20,908 Posts
But is every manger a leader? From another post......
Welcome to AN! We are happy to help. What country are you from? You and your classmates must be in a leadership class right now. Allnurses hosts members from all over the world although it is based in the USA. What Beachy was saying is that when you type using all upper case the US that is considered "shouting" on the internet and is considered rude.This web site has rules called the Terms of Service that members need to follow....called the Terms of Service. Look at them so you can better understand how to communicate better.In the US students are not allowed to use the internet as a part of their research. It is considered cheating. Here at Allnurses we will help but you must tell us what you think first before we will help.I believe what you are asking is....Leadership is not the same as Management. Just because you are management doesn't mean you are a leader. What are the most important characteristics/qualities that must be in a good leader?
This web site has rules called the Terms of Service that members need to follow....called the Terms of Service. Look at them so you can better understand how to communicate better.
In the US students are not allowed to use the internet as a part of their research. It is considered cheating. Here at Allnurses we will help but you must tell us what you think first before we will help.
I believe what you are asking is....Leadership is not the same as Management. Just because you are management doesn't mean you are a leader. What are the most important characteristics/qualities that must be in a good leader?
What do you think would be good qualities for a good leader?
I think the difference between a manger and leader is simple. The manager’s job is to plan, organize and coordinate. The leader’s job is to inspire and motivate.
2 Articles; 104 Posts
Yes, because there are people who work under you that are looking for that guidance and leadership in order to reach their full potential.
Does every manager actually lead? No, not necessarily. Not everyone has talent to be a leader and some are just leaders by the position they hold. People follow them because they have to. You know your a great leader when people follow you because they want to. You do that by having vision, authenticity, trust, likability and knowing what to do when the chips are down.
KelRN215, BSN, RN
1 Article; 7,349 Posts
For ParkerBeanCurdRN,BSN
answer for your first question ( How will the manager lead the group?)
for me ,the manger lead a group by asking the group's idea or include the group discussion the decision making, brain storming with in the group.
answer for second qusetion (In what areas should a manager lead a group?)
the manager should lead all general area of the group
answer about your example :
collect the information why turn over it's high, then make a changes on what the result or the causes of increase of unsatisfied staff.
thank you..:)
for Esme12 ..
answer for your question (What do you think would be good qualities for a good leader?)
i think the good qualities to be a good leader ( good listener and good communication ) because the leader need to communication.
thank you ...:)