Published Oct 29, 2012
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,268 Posts
The previous 78 page thread has been moved off site as students were posting their group project answers on the thread.
This is ACADEMIC DISHONESTY and will get you EXPELLED...end of school, done, finished!!!!
Per the terms of service, to which everyone agrees, AN does not condone this type of behavior.
The internet is not anonymous - it wouldn't take anyone anytime at all to figure out who is posting what.
725 Posts
Wow...does anyone think they were intentionally cheating? I was not in this class. However, I know there were not any group projects.
Seems to be a fine line between asking a question that is not very clear to begin with and the sharing of what the correct question could be.
I know many people share the syllabus and web sites where they have found information while researching specific assignments, is that considered cheating as well?
I really want to know.
Yep....we do. doesn't really matter what WE think, but I'd be a little worried if I was a student posting answers on the internet...
I was not in this class...however, I know that there was a great deal of confusion for the students who were in the class as to what a question was asking. It was not a test, it was for a paper. Seems most of them were asking for clarification. But, again I was not in the class.
Assignment details, quiz details, clarifying details of the assignment all should take place on the whiteboard of the class, not AN.
Interesting. So, is All nurses, Ohio University, specific class threads just for a giant general complaint session?
Not much use then. Just like the whiteboards you speak of.
Not at all. There is nothing wrong with discussing IN GENERAL classes, assignments, etc.. However, when it becomes problematic is when posters are answering questions that are part of the assignment.
When you take online courses you are held to the same ethical standards that you would if you have a face to face course.
Having taken numerous courses online at several schools, we always used the online classroom to discuss the assignments. That way, we could help each other without compromising the course assignments for those students who had not taken the course yet.
Does that clarify the issue?
I think a better option is to purge any questionable posts instead of deleting the entire thread.
I will let those in the class who had a vested interest in the thread answer as to whether clarity has been achieved.
But...certainly agree that cheating should never be allowed. And appreciate your attempt to clarify about online issues.
Simply Complicated
1,100 Posts
I'm in the class and was in that thread. The problem is it went beyond just discussing things, to people posting the full out answers to the questions, word for word. Which is a problem. There was a school a while back that students in the program (regular RN) were sharing answers on some homework, and 1/2 the class was expelled from the program. Very similar to this.
178 Posts
I'm in the class and had posted in that threa as well. I agree that it did go a bit overboard with certain aspects I'd the assignment. I wish there was a way to prove that one did what was required non their own and not by visiting the threa in question. I did he calculations at work...probably not the best place since I should have been working, but I did. I did get a reference from the thread, but it was my third reference, so even without it I would have had the required 2. It appeared that's my posters toward the end were new members who had been directed to the thread by searching for information related to staffing. Likely, they did not read the rules and were just excited to find some support on a somewhat difficult assignment (I say somewhat difficult only because after the final clarification, it was a lot easier).
Ps...posting from my iphone, sorry for any spelling errors
Yeah, that is probably what happened. There were quite a few people who found the thread from googling the assignment.