Lawson State Hopefulls

U.S.A. Alabama


I just wanted to start a post for the LSCC hopefulls! Please post if you know what the point cutoff is for the fall or if you have received your letter, or etc. Let's get this thing rolling & good luck to everyone!!!

Justshe this is cvrgul and I chose to go to Lawson instead of Wallace. Can you tell me how the program is going so far and if it is a self taught program like lawson. How are the instuctor? Also, can you tell me what are thw chances of me transferring into Nur 105 for the summer. How many students did your class lose the fiest semestee and how it's looking. this semester? Thanks


That sounds like the mail where I live. When my normal postal carrier is off I get everybody's mail EXCEPT mine. I can only imagine where my mail goes. Te city of HoPR. The next one is 9/5 and its only 20.00. You can register online.

So far it's going great. I don't consider it a self taught program by any means. I am in the Hybrid program which means that I don't attend the lecture portion of the classes. I am able to listen to them online. It requires more discipline but, my instructors are always available if I have problems with the content. It is my opinion that the instructors want the students to succeed so they do whatever is necessary to make it happen. Im not really sure about the the number of students that have not continued with the program but, Im sure there have been. I do know that there were some that decided that nursing wasn't for them and Im sure there were others that didn't pass their classes. Overall, even at my worst I would still recommend Wallace State. Im not really sure how they handle transfers but, call the nursing department and see if they can help answer that. I'll help you in any way that I can! What semester are you @ Lawson?

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