Published Mar 5, 2017
2 Posts
This is the most random question for you out there. Is it a state guideline and or policy that medication carts need to be moved every 15 minutes? Currently we have a questionable director of nursing who stated if med carts are not moved every 15 minutes to a different spot on the unit it is a citation from the state of Michigan? Just had to ask this question. Hopefully I am in the right spot.
CapeCodMermaid, RN
6,092 Posts
What?!? I work in Massachusetts which arguably has the strictest regs in the country and I've been in the business for more than 30 years. I've never heard of that regulation. It has no basis in reality. Maybe your DON just likes to make things up.
The DON is suspected of making up many things, so I figured I'd start asking around about some of the crazy stuff they say.
Rose_Queen, BSN, MSN, RN
6 Articles; 11,935 Posts
Well, I know that with our last Joint survey, we got dinged for anything left in the OR hallways for over 30 minutes unless it was directly related to the surgery in progress (like the patient's stretcher or bed). So, nothing ready to go for the next case was allowed, no supply carts, no mop bucket, no nothing.
4,324 Posts
This. Joint Commission standard LS.02.01.20: The organization maintains the integrity of the means of egress requires that routes of egress remain clear. Items that are stationary for 30 minutes or longer are generally considered stored†and are viewed as a violation.
Standard issues: Avoiding frequent Joint Commission deficiencies
Regulations vary---this is a long term care facility.
People often make up regulations to suit their needs.
If you're passing meds to 20+ residents, there is nothing wrong with parking your med cart between two rooms and passing to the 4 people in those rooms before you move. I've done countless med passes with the DPH and they would never tag us for this. But again, I work in Massachusetts.
Esme12, ASN, BSN, RN
20,908 Posts
Regulations vary---this is a long term care facility.People often make up regulations to suit their needs.If you're passing meds to 20+ residents, there is nothing wrong with parking your med cart between two rooms and passing to the 4 people in those rooms before you move. I've done countless med passes with the DPH and they would never tag us for this. But again, I work in Massachusetts.
Sounds like this new DON is overzealous in her interpretation of the JACHO recommendations. I'd be curious if she is new to the job.
Angry LPN
12 Posts
Jees, not so loud. If the state visits this place, you will give them ideas. I just posted about the last nursing home I worked at. The central air to my unit broke and the owners refuse to fix it. There was one wall fan in the middle of the hallway that I parked my cart under and walked my meds up and down the hallway, because it would get stifling in the summer time. All the management parasites had big window units in their offices, the rest of us that actually did real work were left to suffer. I have never heard of such a thing, but I wouldn't put anything past the government. The more they mingle in healthcare, the more they ruin it. It would be just like them to mandate that the med carts have some traking device that transmits some signal to some lazy state monitors to make sure those carts are moved. If not, they will accuse us of "sub standard" nursing care (like I am told they like to do if you are not a great paperwork person and place your priorities where they should be, doing hands on care) and their agents will come out and steal money from the place in the form of fines, fees, penalties, etc etc. Sounds like your DON, like most of them, is trying to rule by manipulation and intimidation.