Laptop recommendations?

Nursing Students General Students


Hi! I'm hoping to start the nursing program in January, and need to get a new computer. I'm going to buy a laptop soon. Do you have any suggestions as to which ones are good or which ones to stay away from? What have your experiences been?

I would like to get something that will last a while. (Barring any unforeseen problems, of course!) I don't really play games or anything like that. What I want it for is to connect to the internet, do assignments, research, minor editing of digital photos... I've been searching the forums but haven't quite pulled up what I was looking for. I would really appreciate any information you can give me.

Thank you! :D


Another thing I love about the mac is that it has post its. A little box comes up and you can type reminders and such. And I love the dashboard - it includes a caculator, calander, time, and local weather.

And no Vista!

Thank you! I've been eyeing the Toshibas for a while now. I think I'd like a tablet but I'm not sure. Thank you for all the advice! :D


recently brought HP tablet PC tx1000z. It is great and not expensive. Plus they give you a student discount of 10%

I just recently purchased a Macbook and I have to agree it is wonderful. There are no viruses or trojans to worry about. It is more stable,reliable and run can Windows. The only drawback is it is expensive.

Specializes in Accepted...Master's Entry Program, 2008!.
Next was a Dell Insiron 600m. Ok, but not great. Not fast and customer service stunk. Keys fell off after having it for a few months. Gave up on customer service because I could not understand a word they were saying.

Since I AM a computer tech, I should point out that my company uses Dell laptops and keys falling off is a COMMON problem. In fact, you should expect a 50% chance that your keys will discharge themselves from the keyboard.

It's not a major issue until you are studying for finals and your DEL key falls off on the way home.

I haven't played with Tablet PC's much. I've only seen two. My dentist has one and it has never, ever been calibrated correctly. Maybe it can't be. I press here: X

and the line shows up down here? X

i am not a nursing student yet(still on everybody's waiting list) but i am a respitory therapy student/healthcare administration student and i love my laptop. i have a gateway convertible notebook, and i think it is the perfect notebook for students everywhere. you should seriously consider it.

I really recommend that you get a MAC with OSX on it. Very easy to use and a lot safer to operate.

Since I AM a computer tech, I should point out that my company uses Dell laptops and keys falling off is a COMMON problem. In fact, you should expect a 50% chance that your keys will discharge themselves from the keyboard.

It's not a major issue until you are studying for finals and your DEL key falls off on the way home.

My space bar fell off. Now that was a PITA.

DH got me a lap top for Christmas year before last- for school- love it- but don't take it to school with me, (just to bed!)

It was under $1000- it is a compaq and I love it- I have two other desk top Compaq'a and I love them all- have not had any problems- I did "drop" my lap top a little forcefully- they fixed the screen- even sent me the box to ship it to them in- I have had no prblems with the "help desk" from compaq- other than they are obiviously not in Amercia- language barrier-

I bought a Toshiba, and I've been happy with it. It's okay, for a PC.

What I really wanted was a Mac; but since my school's software and testing site wasn't compatible with Macs, I wasn't able to reasonably purchase one.

Specializes in Junior Year of BSN.

I've had a Compaq (do not recommend but it still lasted a yr before I started to have problems). Now I have a HP that I have had since March, do not recommend it. I have been having problems with it since I received it. Within 2 weeks they had to replace the drive and something else and ever since then I've had problems.

I like the Vista and have not had problems with the OS just the laptop itself. If I take it back to Best Buy one more time I get another laptop in its place. It's pretty funny because this HP replaced my Compaq because of all the problems.

I will NOT get another HP (Compaq is under HP). My next replacement will be a Toshiba or Sony since I RARELY hear problems from those too.

Specializes in Med Surg/Tele/ER.

I bought a Dell....~$1600.00. I had problems from day one! I felt like I knew each support person personally. I am sure ya'll have heard their pitch..... If it can't be fixed over the phone, we will send a tech out to your home to fix it.:angryfire That did not happen & I ask for one. I think if I had not bought it through QVC I would have been stuck. Oh well that is just my :twocents:

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