Published Aug 13, 2009
56 Posts
I recently was informed that I received my number one pick- LANDSTUHL!!! So psyched!! But I was wondering, for a single officer is it common that they"live on the economy" or live on base? If so, is there Overseas BAH? Any information on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
carolinapooh, BSN, RN
3,577 Posts
Go here to find out your BAH - yes, the rates overseas are very different from the CONUS rates:
I think that single officers usually live on the economy; single junior enlisteds are the ones who live on base. Personally, unless it's stupid expensive - or I'm at an overseas location where they make me - I have no desire whatsoever to live on base. When I was enlisted I couldn't wait to get OFF base.
330 Posts
I lived off base at Landstuhl - LOVED IT!!!!! You get transformers and closets from the base. You can even get american appliances from the base - borrowed of course. The Germans are very friendly and the language barrier is not a barrier. If for some strange reason you get a choice where to live; what would you rather - 1. Live with a bunch of familys 2. Live in the village and walk to the local pub and get a flavor of the locals. ???
Ok.. Thanks for the link. I checked into it. Because I have a dependent, it stated that I would receive$1977. Is this the maximum? BecuaseI was informed that I would get up to the amount that my lease was for. So if that is the case, it appears that they would only pay the lease amount( nothing more nothing less). I know with speaking to a few of my other collegues, who are CONUS, they were informed that they would get the BAH stated amount regardless of their lease amount. Just looking for more clarification on this so that I know what to expect.
Nurse Pamela, I would rather live in the village and walk to the local pub. That is totally my personality. I would like to get engrossed into the culture. When you were there did you receive the max amount or the lease amount? How long has it been since you were there? How were the utilities?Car insurance?Internet? Phone service? etc..
Let me say that the locals there know EXACTLY how much each rank gets for BAH (to the penny!) and you'll have no problems finding appropriate housing (and maxing out your allowance - they're all about the cash money!).
And I mean this in a very nice way.
Let me say that the locals there know EXACTLY how much each rank gets for BAH (to the penny!) and you'll have no problems finding appropriate housing (and maxing out your allowance - they're all about the cash money!).And I mean this in a very nice way.
Ditto that!
They can't pay you your lease amount regardless because if they did we would all live in castles. :wink2: There is a max for each rank. They have changed it somewhat since we were there but there what you wanted was your rent to include utilities so you did not pay extra.
Can not tell you about internet b/c that has changed A LOT since we were there. It is better now. Everything else was relatively reasonable. Gas you can buy on base and off base you use coupons. If you do not have the coupons or are somewhere they do not take the coupons the price of gas is expensive.
The housing was not bad at all. You definitely have to look around as the houses vary so much. And don't let anyone talk you into getting rid of stuff unless you want to get rid of it and need an excuse.
178 Posts
i don't know if this will help, it's the link to the kmc newspaper on line. there is classified for housing to give you and idea on area housing costs. there is also a link page that has links to thing such as insurance, internet,cable, telephones both cell and internet bases to call back to the world. one thing you might want to know, the hospital is on top of a hill, a long walk if you have car problems or snow and ice. atzel, a subdivision of landstuhl, is just across the street from the base. one last thing if you download the google tool bar, it has a translate function, easy to use.
good luck